Chapter 139

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You woke up by someone shaking you. 

'' y/n wake up Its time for training. '' It was Mikey shaking you. 

'' Alright Mikey I'm up, '' you said and sat up. 

'' Great! There are some clothes for you in the closet, just come outside when you're ready. '' Mikey said and hurried out your room. You sighed and got up and got dressed. Once you were dressed, you walked outside and saw that the guys were already training. 

'' I'm glad to see that you could make it y/n. '' Takiyama Sensei said behind you. 

'' Good morning Takiyama Sensei, what do you have in store for me today, '' you asked him. 

'' The same as we did yesterday. '' Was the only thing he said. 

'' Wha- '' was the only thing you could say before he charged at you the same way he did yesterday, but without the bamboo swords. 

You stopped the two first attacks, but he was too fast for you to even react. You haven't noticed but the other had stopped and looked at you and their Sensei. 

Finally, you laid there on the ground with Sensei Takiyama standing right beside you looking down at you. 

'' You have gotten better y/n, but you still lack potential. '' Takiyama said. Your jaw clenched, and you could feel the anger slowly bubble up in you. 

'' Don't let your anger get the better of you y/n. '' Takiyama suddenly said and made you snap out of your anger. 

'' How did yo- '' You were about to ask, but you were cut off by Takiyama.

'' You need to stay focused while your fighting, breathe and stay calm. '' Takiyama said and walked away

'' What the hell am I suppose to do that? '' you whispered and just kept looking where Takiyama had once stood. 

'' y/n! '' you heard Leon say. You snapped your head towards them. You saw them walking toward you. 

'' y/n are you okay! '' Hunter asked you and helped you up. 

'' Yeah... I'm fine, '' you said with an expressionless face. 

'' don't worry y/n you'll get it sometime, how about you train with us for some time! '' Mikey said. 

'' You sure about that, you know what happened last time. '' You said. 

'' Of course! And this time I will not let you beat my ass! '' Hunter said. You laughed and agreed to train with them.  

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