chapter 32

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'' Yeah we should probably get up, before we get trouble with sensei '' he said. You got off of him, and started to look for some clothes. you found a pair og ( jeans/leggins ), and put on a green hoodie you got from Lloyd. You walked towards the bathroom, but something grabbed you around your waist. You turned your head to see, that Lloyd had his head on your shoulder. You stroke his hair gently, and you could tell he liked it.

'' Lloyd you need to let go, or else we'll get in trouble '' you said still stroking his hair. 

'' fine, but just because i don't wanna get in trouble '' he said and let go of you. You walked into the bathroom, and took a quick shower. You didn't take long, you got dressed and walked out. You were surprised, what you were met with. Lloyd was standing infront of the closet, just in boxers. You were blushing really hard, and just wanted to get out of the room. You began to walk towards the door, But Lloyd saw you befor you could get out. 

'' Hey (f/n), are you done in the bath? '' he asked looking towards you. 

'' Y-Yes i am, you can use it now '' you said Not looking at him. You hurried out the room, not looking back. You couldn't stop Thinking about him, you were blushing like mad just thinking about it. When you entered the living room, you checked your phone. You saw you had one new text, you opened it to see what it was. It was a text from Kai, now you started to wonder. You and Kai didn't talk much, so you wonder what he wanted. You opened the text, and were shocked. It was a picture of you and Lloyd, laying in bed sleeping together. You were blushing bright red, and wondered when he took it. You were so focused on the picture, you didn't hear someone coming up behind you. 

'' Hey (f/n), what'cha looking at? '' you heard someone other than Lloyd's voice. You flinched, shocked because you didn't hear the person coming. 

'' O-Oh hey Cole, w-what are you doing here '' you said nervously. trying to advoid the subject.

'' uuhh i live here, That's why i am here (f/n) '' he said looking confused at you. 

'' Oh that's right, well i'm just being stupid, okay bye '' you said and quickly walked the other way. You wanted to find Kai, and just '' talk '' to him for a moment. 


hey everyone i just wanna say schools starts tomorrow so i might not upload anything for the first week or so but we'll see

hope you enjoyed this chapter 

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