chapter 11

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'' we '' she said, looking around confused. Then she saw Lloyd behind you.

'' don't tell me that's '' she looked even more shcoked now. 

'' it's been a long time miss (l/n) '' Lloyd said

'' you two need to explain this to me '' your mom said, she opened the door more for you to come in. 

you and Lloyd walked into the livingroom, where you found your dad reading a book. Your dad then turns his head to see who it was.

'' honey who are these young people '' your dad asked.

' oh man, this is going be long day ' you thought. 

'' honey i know this might sound crazy but, this is (f/n) our daughter '' your mom said, she looked really nervous at your dad.

'' honey what are you saying, how can she be our daughter. (f/n) is not that old yet '' he said, then he walked over to you and Lloyd and looked at you.

'' how do i know that your my daughter '' he said, while looking suspicious at you. 

you crossed you arms and gave him a 'really' look. 

'' okay, that's her, but how '' he said and looked at you.

'' maybe you want sit down before we explain anything '' you said and went over to the couch.

then you started to explain what happened 

TIME SKIP: one hour later....

'' and that's what happened to me and Lloyd '' you said, and looked at your parents faces. They looked very surprised. 

'' well, the most important thing is that out daughter is safe '' your dad said, and smiled. both of your parents walked over to you and hugged you. 

'' come here Lloyd, you deserve a hug too for saving our daughter '' your mom said, and pulled him into the hug. 

'' mom i have a question for you and dad '' you said, and pulled away from the hug to look at them. 

'' what is it honey '' you looked at your mom ready to ask her 

'' mom this morning this weird thing happened '' you explain what happened this morning. when you were done explaining, your mother looked at you with wide eyes'

'' honey maybe it's time we tell her '' she said, and looked at your dad with a serious face. 

'' tell me what '' you asked, looking confused at them. 


well i hope you enjoy this chapter, but i like i write the word '' look '' to many times i don't know. but anyway you see you till next time.    

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