chapter 85

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You had managed to sit down, and hide in a bush. You were just about to fall asleep, until you heard a branch break. 

'' quiet you idiot, we need to find her. '' You heard an all to familiar voice said. 

'' Oops sorry. '' the other one said. You turned your head, leaned on your arms to see who it was. And of course it was none other that Kruncha and Nuckal. You and ther guys had run into them many times before. They could be hilarious when together. But even though they were hilarious, you didn't want to be caught by them. You leaned back into your position, but then a small branch snapped. Their heads snapped in your direction, and started walking towards you. You sat completely still, you didn't move an inch. They were still a bit far away from you, so you could do something. You spotted a rock in the corner of your eye. You took it, and threw in the opposite direction. It caught their attention, and they started walking in the direction you threw the stone. Once they were out of your sight, you let out a deep sigh. 

'' I've got to get out of here before they get me. '' you said. You saw a big branch not far in front of you. You carefully crawled over, and took the branch and stood up. As you stood up, you right leg hurt a lot, but you kept the pain insdie you. You finally stood all the way up, holding onto the branch with an iron grip. Even though your leg hurt a lot, you started walking anyway. You didn't have to walk very far, until you reached a waterfall. You walked over to the waterfall, and dipped your foot into the water. It was cold, but it was soothing. You decided to sit down, and put both of your feet into the water. You closed you eyes, and started thinking about the others guys. But you thought about Lloyd the most. 

' He has been through this before, i hope he's okay. ' you thought to yourself. Just then you heard footsteps coming towards you. You quickly took your stick, and stood up. But as you stood up, you foot slipped on the edge of the water.  unfortunately as you fell, the stick fell out of your hand, and landed in the water out of your reach. You turned your head, only to see Kruncha and Nuckal coming closer to you. 

'' Look there she is! '' Nuckal said, and pointed towards you. 


Hey sorry i haven't been updating much. But a miracle happened. I usually only hang out with my best friend only one week each year. But by some miracle we could be together two times this year so that's why i haven't been very active sorry.  

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