Chapter 104

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* With the Ninjas *

The estate woman showed them the first Apartment they could live in but was not convinced that this was the place to train with Lloyd. Then she decided to show them another apartment. It was a lot nicer than the first, but they weren't totally convinced yet, that was until she showed them the training room, so they bought it. So everyone started a job, just to have enough money to pay rent each month. But at the end of the day, they were too tired to train with Lloyd. 

* With the snakes and you * 

'' Our fellow serpentine followed Garmadon, but we've got to earn their respect to get them. Let's brainstorm ideas on how we can do that. ''  Skales said. 

'' Release the Devourer! '' The constrictai general said. 

'' No you idiot! We've already done that. '' Skales said. 

'' Release a swarm of evil bees. '' The venomari general said. 

'' Ugh where will we even get evil bees. '' Skales asked. 

'' I don't hear you offering any ideas. '' The fangpyre general said. 

'' Ugh. '' Skales said and placed his face in his hands. 


'' So after you rob the bank, we embark on phase 2 ingenious! '' A snake general said. But what they didn't know was that the blue ninja was watching them. 

'' But boss when are we going to get pizza, I'm hungry. '' The constrictai general said. 

'' Rob the bank. '' Jay said unaware of the venomari general sneaking up on him. 

'' Where do you think you're going, we haven't given you your tip.  '' The general said. Soon all the general tied Jay up and got on an abandoned train, and off they were. 

'' Come on Jay you gotta warn the others, you can figure a way out of this. '' Jay said to himself and tried to get free from the ropes tied around him. 

'' Okay, maybe not. '' Jay said then he looked to the side and saw a map, and there was drawn something over the map. 

'' So that's the serpentine master plan. Wicked. '' Jay said and stood up. 

'' Guys I'm coming! Hopefully, Cole can stop the bank robbery. '' Jay yelled and began jumping down the train tracks. 

Just then, the serpentine generals broke into the bank and the alarm went off. Cole immediately woke from his beauty rest and hurried inside the bank. 

'' Take it all. '' The venomari general said.

'' But shouldn't we wait for Skales? '' The fangpyre general asked. 

'' No you fool, he's carrying out the rest of the plan remember. '' The venomari said. 

'' Let's get out of here. '' The venomari said, and they all got out of there. 

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