The Grosser Disguise

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Footsteps sounded down the hall leading to the room. They were light and careful. Possibly, they could belong to the creature, but a feeling in him said otherwise, which meant ... The group ... All of them found the cave! Pain shot up through him when he somewhat jumped on his chair in excitement. A loud groan left his lips, but it came out scratchy. It was obvious that his throat was incredibly sore and dry. Water certainly would do him well.

He gulped at the thought, but he winced too from the simple action. It felt like the creature had taken its nails and run them up and down his esophagus. Oliver, though, had to remind himself that the creature could've changed its footsteps in order to mess with him. The thing physically had tortured him; mental torture wasn't exactly out of the picture either. Rather, the creature loved to surprise its victims only to watch them writhe in agony.

Slowly, he lifted his head up, though, when he heard a rock hit the floor of the pit which he was in. He looked over in that direction as best as he could. Oliver didn't bother with asking who it was. Even if he wanted to, his throat didn't allow much to pass from his lips. Another rock collided with the floor before he heard something heavier meet it.

"Ouch!" he heard, and his mind completely awoke again. That voice didn't belong to the creature, but he oddly did hear other footfalls, more like the creature's and other movement in the room that seemed to be farther from him as well as above him. His brows furrowed at the strange sounds before his ears noticed the other footsteps again.

"T-Terr-y?" Oliver managed to croak out.

"Little Ol?!" she answered back, her voice its usual energetic one. If he wasn't in so much pain, he would've sighed at the name, but he settled to mentally roll his eyes. "You're alive!" She took cautious steps forward. He tried to answer, but she cut him off. "Oh, don't worry about responding to that." Oliver could imagine her waving her hand dismissively while her light purple curls bounced around her head. "You need to save your energy. But," her footsteps paused, "where are you in here, and where are we?"

"A ..." She moved closer to him as he spoke. "P-P-Pit ..." Gathering what moisture he could from his mouth, he forced himself to swallow. His throat protested every step of the way, but he was able to add, "How d-did you get ... d-down h-here?"

Reaching him, her hands rested on his. Oliver couldn't help but take a sharp breath when her left hand rested on his right. That breath felt like he was breathing in sandpaper and needles. Instantly, Terry retracted her left hand. Even in the darkness, she probably attempted to stare at what she touched. "Are you bleeding?" she asked before she wiped her hand off on his left leg. How considerate.

Again, she cut him off before he could get in a word. "Never mind. You probably are." She moved again and ran her hand across his left arm to wipe off more of the crimson. Terry stopped behind him and rested her hands on his shoulders. "But, I got down here from pure luck." A light, worried giggle parted from her. He could feel her hands shaking. Probably despite her casual tone, she most likely was just as terrified as him even though the creature was so close to her. Either that or she actually was excited, but where was Leon and Gretchen? And, what about those strange sounds earlier?

Infectious Devotion (Yandere M. x Fem. Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon