The Dimmer Viewing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. Also, I just wanted to say that there will be only two more chapters after this one as well as a surprise ;). 


With everything in her pack, she left the room and followed the instructions he gave her. As expected, he was waiting by the door. His back was leaned against the door frame, and his gaze focused on the floorboards. They didn't creak under her feet as she walked towards him, but he diverted his attention onto her. A bored expression graced his countenance, and she wondered if Callest really could take on the creature ... Ether. The name for him still sounded odd in her head, and she imagined that it would for quite some time. Not that it mattered since he would be dead soon.

Then again, that depended. Callest was hard to read, and whenever he did show emotion, it was brief. It almost was like she never had seen it in the first place. That could mean a multitude of things, but she hadn't seen him fight. All she knew was that he probably had the same capabilities of Ether, and Ether would be distracted when he attacked. Hopefully, that would be enough.

Internally, she sighed before she stood next to him at the door. He faced away from her and turned the doorknob. The wood of the door creaked slightly, but it wasn't loud enough that she grew worried. Besides, he didn't seem concerned in the slightest, so she took that as a ... good sign. Before she could step back out onto the street, however, she furrowed her brows. In front of her, there were several wooden boards blocking her path. Callest pointed downwards to the small opening at the bottom. "Right," she muttered slowly.

"It keeps up the appearance that no one lives here. But, I kept a gap at the top too so that the wooden planks' placement didn't look too odd to anyone coming through." A sigh parted from him, and he leaned against the door frame once more. "Not that they would last long anyway." She felt a chill travel up her spine, and she nodded in understanding, though; she wished somewhat that she didn't understand what he meant by that statement since it made a bit of guilt enter her system.

The guilt didn't stem from killing the creature. No, she already pushed anything like that aside and told herself that his mother's letter was heartwarming, but that was it. It didn't change ... Ether's past actions; it didn't forgive them either. Rather, the guilt came from the fact that she was letting Callest go. He, potentially, was just as bad as the creature she knew, but she hadn't seen his killing method before. Callest had admitted to having fun back in the tunnels and tormenting her, so what was to say that he hadn't done that to countless others?

When things boiled down, she was letting a killer free. She was turning her back and returning home, leaving goodness knows how many people to the mercy of Callest, yet she was killing a worse, or she assumed so, creature in return. Maybe, she should attack him after he killed off the creature she knew, but she understood that to be a death sentence. Besides, a part of her mind reasoned that she had dealt with enough. She had undergone so many trials, and she was exhausted; she wanted to live somewhat normally again. Even if the creature haunted her dreams, she would be free of him physically. That thought alone brought her body a wave of relief.

In the end, she figured that someone else could handle Callest. She already would've contributed a lot to killing one. It was someone else's turn. At the very least, she deserved a break. (F/n) had no intention of becoming the official creature hunter. At that thought, she relaxed and accepted the fact that she would return home after all of this.

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