The Sillier Quest

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Everything had seemed fine back on Saturday. The group hadn't seemed upset by him, but that was then. This was now. Despite his worry at their possible change in attitude, Oliver was happy that he was away from home. Grounded until winter break, and the group knew that. Not to mention that his parents put in new codes throughout all of the alarms, and he probably had no hope of finding them, but he would get out if need be. He wasn't going to let his parents keep him from working on the paranormal group's plans. Sure, he understood why he was grounded, and, maybe, what he was doing was dangerous, but so what? It was his decision. They could ground him and yell at him, but that wouldn't change his mind; they had found one of the creature's hairs, and they were getting somewhere!

It was exciting, and he was getting what he wanted. Or, he hoped so anyway. If they were mad at him for his parents calling, he might get tossed out. Then, things would completely and utterly suck. The thought caused his feet to drag towards the cafeteria. Steadily, he walked in. Upon entry, his optics searched the room until they found the table where they were at.

Gretchen's dark brown orbs met his own brown ones, and a smirk fell upon her lips. He couldn't tell whether that was a good or bad sign. Inwardly, he gulped. Her intimidating aura never failed to affect him it seemed. When he reached the table, he hesitantly took a seat. Instantly, Gretchen swung her right arm over his shoulders, and her smirk morphed into a full-blown grin. "You're finally here, Oli!"

"Yeah," he muttered nervously, glancing over to the other two. Leon was staring at Terry with amusement while she analyzed a small bottle around her neck as though it was an engagement ring. Oliver narrowed his eyes some to see that inside of the bottle was the creature's hair.

"We let her have it," Gretchen clarified as she chuckled some. "As soon as I mentioned it, she went all puppy-dog eyes on me. Now, she won't look away."

A dreamy sigh parted from Terry's lips. "That's because I finally have some of it. I can only imagine when it'll be the entire creature." She sighed again and leaned against Leon some.

"But, you'll let me perform tests on it, right, if I need to?" Leon asked, wrapping an arm around her waist as she nuzzled against him. He received a light nod from her while she twirled the bottle between her fingers, and he smirked in the process before he looked over to Gretchen. "So, what's our next step?"

Her grin stretched more across her lips. She looked to all of them, and Oliver grinned a little back, but it noticeably was forced. Gretchen raised an eyebrow. "Something the matter, Oli?" Some of the distance between them closed, and her smile almost was the definition of threatening. "You're not bailing on us, are you?"

"What?! No!" he swiftly yelled. A slight blush dashed across his cheeks when he noticed some heads in the cafeteria turn towards him. "Sorry," he mumbled before he met her gaze again. "It's just ... Well ... I ..."

"The call from his parents," Leon mentioned as an entertained expression crossed his countenance. "He's worried that we're pissed off at him." A chuckle escaped him before he shook his head. "Don't worry about it." Oliver averted his attention more to Leon, who shrugged. "You found a hair of its. That makes up for the call. We now know that the creature really had been there and in their daughter's room."

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