The Jollier Two

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

First, they had heard Leon cursing, which was soon followed by a scream. There was some more time before countless screams had followed. They had seemed to bounce off of the walls and come up the way Leon had jumped down. Now, there was complete silence. Gretchen crossed her arms, leaning against the nearby wall. A frown was on her lips, and she tapped her flashlight, which she had turned onto the dimmest setting once Leon had gone down, against her left arm lightly. "Maybe, we should move."

Terry finally looked up from her seat as she dangled her legs over the drop-off point. "Why?" She rested her chin on the palms of her hands. "He might still be alive."

"I doubt it. Leon never screams like that. He lost. We should move and try to surprise the creature again." Gretchen pushed herself off of the wall. "There's no use waiting around here and letting him control the situation more."

"But ..."

"Terry, we only have flashlights now. If Leon's dead, our stuff is gone." She sighed and ran her fingers through her short red curls. "We need to ambush it somehow, or we'll never catch it." Terry hesitated on agreeing. "Terry, I know it said that it wants to play with you, but you can play with it once we capture it. Before that, you might end up like Leon." Gretchen continued to tap the flashlight against her arm. "You heard what the creature told him before they started the test. It'll have a lovely surprise for him. I'm sure that meant death." The older girl shrugged. "Maybe, it didn't mean that, but I still think that we should go explore this place more and find a weakness for the creature."

"What if Leon isn't dead, though? What if he just was fooling the creature? Then, we leave him down there with our supplies. We'll leave behind the dolls I got for the creature!" A pout coated her lips, and she stared back down the drop-off. "We need to wait."

Rubbing her temples, Gretchen rolled her eyes. "Fine, you wait. I'll go see if I can use something against the thing in the meantime." The older girl turned her back to her friend and began to walk off.

"Wait, Gretchen!" she called out, about to get to her feet. "You can't do that!" Gretchen chuckled and glanced over her right shoulder before she signaled for her friend to follow her. The older girl stared back to the front of her and began to walk off again. Pouting more, Terry managed to stand back up, and she faced Gretchen completely. Before she could switch on her flashlight, however, she paused. She could've sworn that she just heard her name being whispered.

Gradually, she turned around and flipped on her flashlight to the lowest level. She shone it down the drop-off, and her heart skipped a massive beat. The creature was standing there. Its hands were in its pockets, and a smirk was on its lips. Both of its eyes were squinted slightly against the light. Terry moved it away from the creature slightly, but she would shine it on full if it tried to attack her. Hopefully, it wouldn't; hopefully, it would come to her willingly.

"Hello, Terry," it greeted, giggling a bit. Her purple optics widened, and she almost squealed. She went to tell Gretchen, but she was already out of sight. About to call out for her, she heard, "Shh. Don't tell her that I'm here." Facing it again, she stared down, and her heart about beat out of her chest from the smirk it was giving her. It really was of a princely quality.

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