The Flightier Acquaintance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

His nails tapped against the metal rhythmically. One, two, one, two. They continued, and each tap got louder as though he would spring forward through the front windshield. Both (f/n) and him knew that he could pull such a tactic and live to tell the tale of it. She, however, wouldn't make it out without some injuries. Already, she had bruises forming on her from her previous escapes from the creature's grasp.

Her hands remained on the steering wheel even though the car wouldn't go properly now. She kept her gaze pinned on him. He didn't move either. The creature made his message quite clear; he could guard the car until she got out. It wouldn't be a problem until someone else showed up, but it was early morning. That was unlikely, and neither of them could hear another vehicle on the nearby roads.

There was still the option of driving Enid's truck, but the creature had her keys. Getting those from him without him tagging her would be next to impossible. No, she couldn't risk it; however, there weren't too many other options. She could wait until he faced away from her to clean up the mess behind him before she left the car and ran, but she wouldn't make it far. His speed was far too great.

Back in the tunnels, she had outrun him with Nick, but she had flashlights. Now, she didn't have those. The creature had taken those away from her over the last seven months. There were the car headlights, but he could avoid those easily since the car was stationary. She did have the choice to race for her parents' car, but that would probably put her into a similar situation as before.

Unfortunately, her best option probably was to wait until another car showed up. Those people would be drawn up into this mess, but her other options were too risky. Negativity ate at her. Perhaps, she was as terrible as the creature since she brought him wherever she went. Her shadow was a never-ending nightmare.

A groan left her, and she rested her forehead against the steering wheel. Maybe, she should drown out her thoughts and play the car radio while she waited for someone to drive into the parking lot. It would distract her from the menace outside of her car.

When she glanced back up, however, the creature was ... gone? Confused and worried, she scanned around her and listened closely. Nothing. Not even a little bit of sound. Dread pooled in her stomach. Hesitantly, she sat up straighter to see the ground around the car better. Her head turned to her right, then to her left. (E/c) optics widened before a scream parted from her. All of her jumped back, landing her partially on the front passenger's seat.

Elbows supporting her up some, she stared to the creature as her heart raced rapidly in her chest. He clutched his sides and burst out giggling. The d*mn a**hole had been hiding next to the driver's door and leaped up like some frog from h*ll. A glare set on her face while he continued to giggle uncontrollably. His right hand slapped the door's windshield a few times before he diverted his attention fully onto her. "You really are a treat, my partner," he complimented in a sing-song manner.

No words of thanks left her. Rather, she pushed herself onto the passenger seat and scowled more. Another grin tugged at his lips before his optics averted back towards the diner. (F/n) heard it too. A heavy groan sounded in the night air as Greta pushed herself up from the ground. The older woman must've been unconscious for a brief time.

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