The Redder Sandwich

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

A wide, menacing grin filled all three women's vision as he continued to rock back and forth like some demented rocking horse. All four of them appeared to be under a cursed spell. Enid reached her hand out to the back door hesitantly as if any faster would cause the creature to charge at Greta and her. (F/n) felt her heart pounding in her chest widely, but she couldn't move her attention away from the thing of her fears. If she did, he'd strike.

The state of near paralysis from fear struck up like a match, however, when the door to the kitchens opened. Greta spun on her heel and raced through the door before her boyfriend could take a step out. A crash was heard before running footsteps followed. Enid didn't go through the backdoor until (f/n) shouted, "Move!" That word sent both the creature and her into action. (F/n) leaped to her right and slid across the white tiles of the diner as the creature glided across the floor.

(F/n) crashed against several flimsy metal chairs, knocking them over in the process. She groaned as she sat back up, and her eyes widened considerably. A scream hadn't even left the older woman, but she was thrown over the counter like a ragdoll. Enid's arms draped over the counter in the front while her legs were in opposite directions at the back of it. The woman's pale blonde and grey locks fell over her head as crimson joined it, though; it was gradually dripping onto the tile.

Holding up his nails, the creature licked the blood off of them. His optics locked onto (f/n), and she froze as a giggle parted from him. "See, my little helper." Another giggle occurred. "I spared you from having to look into her now lifeless eyes." He winked. "You're welcome." The creature dragged his tongue over the last ounce of blood on his nails before his attention fixated on a backdoor slamming. Across his lips, a grin formed. "Well, time to catch the other two."

His head tilted to the side a bit. "Oh wait!" Somehow, his grin increased, and he stared back to her. (F/n) didn't move from her spot. "Don't you have their car keys?" Horror ate at the inside of her. The creature walked over to Enid's corpse and searched her pockets before he removed a string of keys. A loud giggle erupted from him as he clutched his sides. "They're g-g-going t-to ..." He couldn't stop giggling, and he slammed his right hand on the counter a few times.

"How delightful," he breathed out when he finally calmed down. (F/n) only shook her head and backed up more. "Thanks, (f/n). You made this easier." The creature started to head towards the front door as her body started to shake from realization. They'd all be killed. His back faced away from her while he opened the door to the diner. Pausing, he glanced over his right shoulder at her. "I'll meet you outside." A giggle left him. "Don't stay too long in here, or you might not even get a chance to try out that car."

Now, her body froze again. Her eyes widened. "Sh*t," she muttered, forcing her legs to spring into action. He looked away from her, but before he could race off, she grabbed one of the metal chairs and charged at him. The creature averted his attention back in complete amusement.

"Handing yourself over so ..." The chair whacked across his face hard as the metal bent in the process. Several cuts ended up on his countenance, and his head slammed into the doorway. (F/n) didn't wait for him to recover. She held onto the chair and hit him again with it, and she managed to knock him back. With the doorway free, she raced out of there and threw the chair back at him. If it made contact, she didn't know since she didn't peer back.

Infectious Devotion (Yandere M. x Fem. Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ