The Cuter Sleepover

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"Do you think that he's going to take the jump, Jake?"

"I don't know, Derek. He's been standing on the edge for awhile ... Wait ... Oh, he might just ... Wow! Would you look at that! Do you think that he's even trying?"

"I don't know. He's just kind of bouncing all over the place on those trampolines."

"Yeah, but he might just make it ... Oh! Oh!" Splash! "Yikes! Did you see that slip, Jake?!"

"I did, Derek, and Ouch! That was one fall. It would look like he's swimming to the side to forfeit."

"Well, not everyone can withstand it."

"Huh?" Nick mumbled out, feeling a vibration in the right pocket of his grey coat. Soon enough, he took out his phone and answered while (f/n) muted the television program. "Hey Chris." He hummed to a few things that the younger woman was speaking about on the other end. "Are you both heading out to Castle Lake to pick up the check, then?" Another hum left him. "Right, I'll expect to hear from one of you tomorrow morning." A laugh parted from him before he responded, "Deidre and I will prepare a fresh thing of coffee for when you both get back." His eyes rolled in amusement. "Yes, Deidre will make homemade whipped cream too for it."

Suddenly, though, embarrassment crossed his countenance. "That's not going to happen, and tell Ren to stop snickering in the background." He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'm going to hang up. I'll talk to you in the morning." Nick ended the call and sighed in slight irritation as he placed his phone back in his pocket and leaned back.

"Everything okay?" (f/n) questioned, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth since they had finished dinner, which had been spaghetti and a salad, earlier, and their hot chocolate had been gone before that.

"Yeah, Chris and Ren just are trying to get a reaction out of me."

Releasing a slight chuckle, she commented, "I'd say that it's working." A slight glare was sent her way, but she only laughed more. "Are you going to be heading back soon?" she asked as her optics shifted over to wall clock by the front door. "It's eleven thirty." Nick usually left around eleven thirty, sometimes midnight, when he came over.

"I'm going to ..." He paused and furrowed his brows as his left hand dug around in his left coat pocket for his keys. Nick sat up straighter before he stood up fully and searched himself for his keys. "You didn't see me put them anywhere, did you?"

"Umm ..." Now, she got to her feet. She placed the popcorn bowl on the small coffee table and entered the kitchen, looking over the counter and in the drawers too. "I'm not finding anything, Nick." As she scanned over the kitchen one more time, she inquired, "Did you leave them in the bathroom?"

"I'll go check, but I don't know why I would've taken them out while I was using it," he answered as he headed over to that room. He flipped on the light switch and began to search the restroom for his keys. "Nothing," he called back shortly after and turned off the switch before he stepped into the living room once more.

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