The Cleanlier Quarters

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Grabbing the plastic lever, she squeezed the water out from the mop, which needed to be replaced, but she didn't want to have an argument with Ms. Zacerson. The woman wasn't a cruel employer, but she did have a temper and a constant desire to save every penny, so suggesting replacing a mop which still was working would be out of the question. Ms. Zacerson probably would discuss the importance of saving money where it could be saved while her voice slowly raised itself to a louder volume. At least, the rolling bucket for the water was in decent condition.

Once the mop was wrung out, (f/n) set it aside in its corner before she tipped the bucket and dumped the soapy water down the drain in the floor. When it was empty, she rolled it beside the mop and gave out a relieved sigh. All of the non-rented apartments had been cleaned as well as the inner courtyard and walkways. (F/n) washed her hands in the sink with hand soap before she dried them off with some paper towels, which she tossed in the nearby trashcan.

"Done," she muttered to herself with a smile. Cleaning an apartment complex hadn't exactly been her idea of staying away from the creature, but it was better than being constantly on the run from him. And, Ms. Zacerson, despite her drawbacks, was a kind enough woman to let her stay in her own apartment with rent, internet and all utilities covered. Ms. Zacerson even gave her a hundred dollars each week that was under-the-table since the older woman did know that she was in hiding. Thankfully, she hadn't asked too many questions about that, and she even had given her a ground-level apartment in case she needed to escape.

The hundred dollars, though, wasn't enough to buy furniture on its own, but it provided for her food, toiletries, some new clothes and other simple household items, which Nick and the others would purchase for her so that she didn't have to leave the complex. There was extra each week, which she was saving for when she needed to move again. Hopefully, though, that wouldn't happen soon or at all. Nick and his team, however, had been nice enough to provide her with some dishes and some basic furniture even though she had insisted that it wasn't necessary, but Nick had argued back that he wasn't going to have her sleeping on the floor with a blanket and pillow.

To pay him back for everything, though, she did have him over for dinner once a week. She had invited Deidre, Chris and Ren too the first week, but Nick hadn't wanted to risk them coming over to the apartment since none of them had an idea of when the creature would show up again, and Nick, understandably, didn't want the creature to spot them. Besides dinner, however, Nick also came over simply to check on her and make sure that she was doing alright, which was appreciated since it gave her time to be away from her own thoughts. Those thoughts easily could turn towards what the creature was doing and if he was killing anymore people.

A knock on the janitorial door, though, caught her attention. "Finished for the day?" (F/n) looked over and smiled before she nodded. Nick leaned against the doorframe, wearing a grey coat since he had disposed of his black one. "I take it that it took longer than expected."

"Yeah, sorry." She rubbed the back of her neck. "You don't mind waiting for me to get a shower and such, right?"

"Not at all. I'll make some hot chocolate for us in the meantime." He pushed himself off of the frame. "We can relax a little before dinner." A light chuckle came from him. "You probably could use that too."

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