The Gentler Satiation

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Not even a centimeter of her moved. Her feet stayed planted where they were, and she was tempted to take a step back, but the backdoor was right behind her. It was either go forward or open the backdoor and leave. Leaving would kill two people, but staying would ... A chill raced up her spine. She didn't want to think of the consequences. Maybe, it wasn't wise of her to disclose all of that information back in the woods, but it had bought her time. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like a lot of time.

Again, he mouthed for her to come over to him, but she quietly shook her head. A sigh left him, and he combed his right fingers through his hair, which she could spot flecks of crimson in. His hood fell back, and she assumed that there was no camera in the office. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so careless around the open office door. "Timeout," he mouthed, and she furrowed her brows. He hadn't been willing to give her one before, but she supposed that her previous behavior had delivered her one; however, she wasn't so sure how beneficial the timeout was.

It wouldn't surprise her if he ended the timeout as soon as she reached him. She wouldn't have any time to bolt, then, and the flower petals on the ground, which probably were supposed to be some sweet, romantic gesture, only made her stomach turn all the more. When her eyes met his again, she noticed the impatience growing in him, and she, hesitantly, took a step forward. Now, a small grin touched his lips. When she reached for the box cutter, though, he mouthed, "They'll die." Begrudgingly, she withdrew her hand from it.

To speed up her movement, however, he held up his right hand and began to lower his fingers. Nearly, she groaned in annoyance, but fear still shone in her (e/c) optics. She quietly hurried over to him, but she made sure that there remained some distance between the two of them. For all she knew, his countdown meant the end to the timeout period, which would be quite horrific for her. Thankfully, he lowered his hand before he got to zero.

Leaning forward by a little bit, the creature grinned to her and extended out his left hand. "We're still on timeout, right?" she asked softly so as not to be heard. She received a nod from him, but she continued to back up by a small amount. His left index nail just missed her, but his right hand reached out and secured itself around her left wrist. A slight gasp left her as he tugged her towards him. Nearly, she crashed into his chest, and she placed her hands on his chest to support herself. The creature's grip kept her close, and she found his nail soon under her chin.

He tilted her chin up, and he smirked. "After what you pulled back in the woods," he giggled quietly, "I just couldn't resist doing something special." The creature moved closer, and she flinched at his lips gliding along her jaw. She could hear him sniffing her lightly, and she wished to rip herself out of his hold, but his nail would slice the underside of her chin horribly. "How I've missed your lovely smell," he breathed out before she practically jumped when he flicked the tip of his tongue over her left earlobe.

The action caused his nail to cut her slightly, and she winced as she felt crimson part from her. He, however, smirked more and brought his nail back to look at the red bead upon his nail. Without hesitation, he licked it off and moaned quietly in pleasure. "I've missed that sweet, tart cranberry flavor." (F/n) took the opportunity to rip her wrist from his hold and back away from him. His eyes followed her movement, and he giggled. "I'm not, my little helper."

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