The Busier Contact

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Car doors closed shut, and two heavy sighs filled the air. Chris slid her back down the passenger seat a little and set the bag of food aside for the moment. Her ponytail was messed up by that point, and she reached back and pulled it out. She placed the hair tie around her right wrist and allowed her light brown locks to fall around her face. "Of all the things to happen today on that road," she muttered before she groaned and closed her eyes. "Do you want me to call Nick and let him know?"

"No, it's fine. I just wish that we didn't have to make the call and that we were closer to Faller's Grove. This town is too close to the creature," he remarked, closing his green-hazel eyes as he took a moment to rest them from everything. "He's not going to be pleased by the news."

"Sounds like we're going to have to crash the mood," she answered back, a slight chuckle leaving her. "I wonder if he's still at her apartment." A tiny grin met her lips as she tried to remove some of the negative atmosphere in the car.

"We'll find out soon enough." Ren grinned back and called Nick while Chris reached into the food bag and removed a strawberry-frosted doughnut with rainbow sprinkles. The phone rang as she took a bite from the sugar-covered dough, and she faced Ren a little bit more, crossing her legs on the seat. When it got to the last ring, the phone finally was picked up.

"Ren, are you both close to town?" Nick asked calmly and with slight surprise since they should've been an hour out still from Faller's Grove. Ren heard the sound of springs in the background, pointing to the fact that Nick had taken a seat somewhere.

"We're in Gracious Falls." A pause met Ren's ears. Understandably, Nick already was concerned. "There was an accident." Still, the other side of the line was silent. Ren only could hear Nick's breathing get a little unsteady. "Some cars crashed into each other, and the wreck is blocking the bridge. The scene's being cleared up, but we're stuck here until the tow trucks come to pick up the cars."

"There's another route, isn't there?" Nick questioned, worry strong in his tone. Ren indicated for him to go on. "If you drive back the way you came, there should be another road before the amusement park that you can take, which will lead to Faller's Grove. It's a longer drive, not counting backtrack. Maybe, another five hours on top of what it took you to reach Gracious Falls."

"Wouldn't that look more suspicious, though, instead of waiting here?" Ren shifted on his seat some and continued, "It'd be odd if we took such a detour when the tow trucks only will take an hour at most to get here. Leaving now and going back the way we came might make it seem like we're in a rush to get somewhere. That could tip off the creature if he's hiding somewhere in the town."

A frustrated sigh greeted Ren's ears. "Yes, I suppose that is true. And, leaving the car and crossing under the bridge isn't an option either." Easily, Ren could imagine Nick rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Where are you both in the town?"

"At a convenience store by a gas station. We picked up some food and will probably fill up the car before we leave." Chris broke off a piece of her doughnut and held it out to Ren, who accepted it gratefully. "Do you want us to move?" He ate the sugary fried dough as he waited for Nick to answer.

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