The Riskier Choice

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

Wringing her hands now on her lap, (f/n) couldn't meet the eyes of anyone at the table. She didn't want to be swayed into the decision by anyone else; she wanted to go over the options in her head even if she already had done so. The young woman bit her bottom lip, glad that it didn't have any cuts on it at the moment. If she had bit it two weeks ago, there would've been one since the creature had bit her there during one of his unwanted kisses. Such a memory made her mentally grimace.

With this decision, though, she could either save the boy and receive a chance away from the fate of having a child with the creature or she could deny the creature's deal, which probably would result in the boy dying. That would lead into a whole series of problems, and she still would have a child with the creature at some point in the future. Her whole midsection clenched horribly at the thought. Already, it was clear to her which was the better option even if failure meant agreeing to the creature's timing or living somehow more miserably.

"And, the excuse for the car?" She finally stared over to the creature. "What will that be? Someone stole it?"

The creature shrugged. "I suppose so. That part will be on your parents." He glanced over to the pair momentarily and noted their troubled expressions, which were for their daughter, not the car. His pale optics met her (e/c) ones again. "But, you're stalling. We need your decision before the kid wakes up."

Briefly, her eyes glanced over to the boy, and he was beginning to stir. She took a deep breath in before she exhaled and rewrapped her hands around her coffee cup. "Fine." The creature indicated for her to clarify more, but she knew that he already understood her answer. The jerk. "I accept your deal. When ..."

A grin spread across his lips, and it chilled her words to a stop. Her parents held their breath, their heart rates increasing along with their daughter's. "Then, we begin." He giggled before he stressed playfully and horrifyingly, "Go. One hour."

For a moment, her legs didn't move. "(F/n), move!" her mother couldn't help but yell. That seemed to wake the young woman up, and she bolted out of her chair, almost knocking it over in the process. The creature grinned even more as he watched her run off to her room.

"Take what money you need, (f/n)!" her father called out, and their daughter replied with a hurried hum. Her room door shut, and her parents looked back to the creature. "Can we help her pack?"

Giggling, the creature pointed over to the boy. "Well, you can, but I'd recommend you both to deal with him. Maybe, bring him downstairs where he can't see us. It'll let him doubt what he saw." The creature stood from his chair. "I have to work on packing. (F/n) and I will try to be quiet so that he doesn't hear." He pressed his left index nail to his lips. "Though, I'd let him sleep for as long as possible. One of you could start to remove evidence of your daughter and me while the other watches him."

Waving dismissively, he added, "Or, do what you two feel is best." His tone turned into a lower one. "But, I would like to return here with my pink flower and know that there aren't going to be outside people messing up our arrangement." The creature diverted his gaze away from them before he walked off to his shared room. He wondered what she was packing.

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