The Lower Body

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Yes, there was the chance that they were talking about someone else, but they mentioned both (f/n) and Nick, who had been the other survivor of the tunnels. It just fit too well together in his mind for him to neglect those pieces of information. Oliver didn't know either the woman or man's relation to both of them exactly, but it sounded like they were all close. If he could find (f/n), he could learn where the creature was ... Wait, that wouldn't make sense.

The creature wouldn't be nearby (f/n) if Nick was with her unless the creature was working with a whole group of people, but that seemed unlikely by what else the pair had said. The phrases "present arrangement" and "won't last forever" pointed towards the fact that they might be hiding from the creature. That possibility only increased more due to the fact that they mentioned Nick being more paranoid than usual, which meant that they might know where the creature was or had been.

His attention snapped back towards them when he heard car doors unlock and open. He didn't have much time to decide. Briefly, he averted his optics to inside of Leon's car. Oliver couldn't sight Mae or the others too well through the tinted glass, but he had a feeling that they still didn't know he was outside of the car. Otherwise, they probably would've gone looking for him already.

Car doors shut, and his heart picked up in speed. He'd lose his chance soon. The car kicked to life. Oliver, without much thought, bolted from his hiding spot but crouched in the process. Oliver sped over to the car's trunk. If it was open, he might be able to sneak in before they took off. Before his hands even could reach the trunk, though, the car raced off.

Stopping dead in his tracks, Oliver clenched his fists and cursed mentally. His brown optics followed the car as it moved closer and closer towards the road. He would've led the group to (f/n)'s location. From there, they could've learned potentially where the creature was. Nearly, he was about to storm back into Leon's car and inform the group, but something else happened.

To his amazement, the grey vehicle halted before it backed up and pulled into a nearby parking space. The driver's door was thrown open, and the woman came running out. Most likely, she had forgotten something, and the male followed her shortly after. Opportunity struck.

Oliver stepped closer to Leon's car as they ran by before he distanced himself from it a little bit. His gaze traveled over the rest of the parking lot. No one else left their cars. From what he could spot through car windows, everyone was preoccupied and was paying him no mind. Now was his chance.

Once again, he lowered himself closer to the ground and used cars when he could as coverage in case anyone peered up and sighted him. As best as he could, he maneuvered his way around the cars. Soon enough, he was at the last car before the grey one. Inside, a woman and child were talking about the various rides they could go on and seemed to be developing a schedule for the day.

Steadily, he peeked up and stared through the back window. Both of them were too wrapped up in their conversation to notice him. With that in mind, he hurried off towards the grey car. He hoped that they hadn't locked it in their rush.

Reaching the back, his hands tried the trunk. A grin spread across his lips. They had left it unlocked. With no hesitation, he opened it just enough to slip inside. Gently, he closed it behind him and pressed himself up close to the backseat so that there wouldn't be a possibility of being seen in the rear view mirror. Since the woman and man were gone, he removed his cell phone from his blue jacket and turned it on since he had left it off while he had been sleeping.

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