The Sincerer Note

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Plush sheets covered him, and light brown locks poked out from underneath them, making his head almost completely under them, just like almost the rest of him. His hands gripped the pillow and tugged it under the sheets too. A slight ringing caught his attention, but he hugged the pillow more and tried to block out the sound with its softness. When it continued to ring, he groaned slightly, and his left hand reached out from under the sheets and towards the wooden nightstand before he answered the phone. "Hello?" he asked, groggily, as his eyes remained closed.

"Nick, I need you to come over to (f/n)'s apartment." He furrowed his brows and slowly sat up from the bed. "She left a note, and I think that you should come see it."

At that, his eyes snapped open. "I'll be right there, Ms. Zacerson." He heard her say something on the other line, but he hung up before he heard her fully. She would understand his urgency, especially since she had used an alarming serious tone with every word.

He threw on some black slippers and grabbed his grey coat and phone before he darted out of his bedroom. His hair was in every direction currently, but he could care less about that. Nick, briefly, saw that it was eleven in the morning on the kitchen wall clock, but his attention darted forwards and towards the front door after that. The male saw Chris opening her bedroom door, wondering what the commotion was about, since Nick had thrown open his bedroom door earlier, and his footsteps were anything but quiet. "Nick?" she questioned, releasing a yawn.

"Later, Chris. There might be an emergency." Her light blue eyes widened, but he didn't stick around to answer any inquiries. Instead, he threw open the front door and raced across the street, somewhat carefully, towards (f/n)'s apartment. A few late morning walkers gave him a strange look as he headed towards the building, but he paid them no mind.

Entering the apartment complex, he headed up the stairs and gripped the railing hard so that he wouldn't slip and fall. His brown optics saw her apartment door, and he practically ripped it open. Finally, he caught his breath and used the doorframe as a support. Ms. Zacerson looked over to him, and an expression between mad and worried greeted her countenance. She held out the note to him.

Steadily, he walked over and took the item. "I found it just a few minutes ago when I came to check on her since she didn't show for her morning shift." She looked saddened all the more. "I tried to call her since I thought that maybe you two ..." The older woman trailed off before she sighed while Nick felt a slight bit of heat in his cheeks. "But, she didn't answer. I called you, but you wouldn't answer either." Briefly, she gave him a scolding look, and he returned an apologetic one. "Finally, you did."

Another sigh parted from her, and she seated herself on the couch. "So, I knocked a few times, but when she didn't answer, I opened the door. She wasn't here, and I found that in her place." Ms. Zacerson crossed her arms over chest. "At first, I thought that it was weird that most of her things still were here, but I saw that." Hurt entered her blue optics. "And, I thought originally that she had been such a lovely girl." Nick, though, tuned out her complaints to a degree and read over the item.

Dear Ms. Zacerson and Nick,

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