The Colder Entering

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Cracking continued to fill her ears as did frustrated grunts. For a moment, (f/n) sat transfixed in her seat. She saw the blood dripping down the glass and onto the dashboard and hood of the car. Glass broke more and stabbed into him all the more too. He was stuck in her window. His legs kicked, and his hands worked on pulling him out, but the glass held onto him well. If she was in a cartoon, it would be more of a comical situation. Now, it came down to a matter of time. By some luck, the break idea actually worked.

Carefully, she pulled her foot away from the break and moved it onto the gas. She drove slowly towards her destination, not wanting accidentally to free him in the process. Briefly, the creature stopped his struggle and looked back to her through the window. (F/n) attempted to ignore his gaze, but the irritated grin on his lips made that task rather hard. Quietly, she gulped.

Her nerves relaxed only by a fraction when she saw the diner in the distance. The people inside might be doomed, but it was her best shot. It might be her only chance to distance herself from the creature again. Was she being selfish? Yes, she was, especially since she wouldn't die and they possibly would; however, she had the chance to lessen the nightmare that was her future, and that was worth it to her. If she had enough time ahead of him in the diner, she could leave before the creature entered. Those inside could exit the building too and hurry off. Hopefully, only one would die at the most.

When she arrived there, the creature still was trying to remove himself from the window. He looked like some horrifying worm breaking through the soil to reach the surface. Again, he momentarily stopped to look at her. The creature raised an amused eyebrow and giggled. She didn't stare back to him long before she hurriedly grabbed her backpack and car keys in case things went wrong and she had to reenter the beaten up car.

Leaving the car, she ran through the snow as best as she could with the creature's giggles in the background. It was as though he already was settling on the fact that a second dinner or an early breakfast would be served to him. Still, there was another problem. Once the creature entered the diner and if anyone recognized her in there, attention would be raised that the creature was back and that she still was alive. Maybe, it would be ... No. She reprimanded herself; she couldn't think like that. Sure if everyone in the diner died besides them, it would make things easier, but it would lie on her conscience. The last thing she needed was a repeat of Brent and Dean. Thankfully over the last seven months, Vincent nor that mother and her family at the gas station where Krista had worked had reported seeing her, which would've caused a similar issue.

Reaching the glass and metal door, she saw a couple of people heading back towards their vehicles. She sighed in relief at the sight. (F/n) looked back to the door and opened it. A small bell chimed at the top. Inside, there was only one other customer; however, (f/n)'s attention shifted to the woman behind the counter. Swiftly, (f/n) went over to her. As calmly as she could, she placed her hands on the counter and asked, "Are you the owner here?"

Adjusting her ponytail, the woman tugged on her medium brown hair some and blew some of her slanted bangs out of her face. "No, my boyfriend, the chef, is." Her brown optics shifted over to the kitchen momentarily. She looked back to (f/n). "Why?"

Gripping the counter some to keep her hands steady, (f/n) responded, "I need your car keys." The woman raised an eyebrow as if the request was some joke. (F/n), however, maintained an anxious, serious countenance. "It's an emergency. Mine is ruined, and I need a replacement."

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