The Denser Havoc

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Grounded. For a month. A groan left him, and he tapped his fingers repeatedly on the windowsill. He couldn't even sneak out the window again since his window now was attached to an alarm system. Annoyingly, his parents had the code, which made frustrating sense, and he had tried to find it so that he could sneak out again.

Even if the alarm was absent or if he had found the four-digit number, he still wouldn't be safe. Conveniently, his father was working on the yard directly below his window. His father hadn't done yard work for over a month, yet he just so happened to choose the present day to get back to it. Right. Because, that wasn't planned at all.

Still, he couldn't just wait the day out. He needed to meet the others at Carnation Hills; he didn't have time for this dilemma. Another groan parted from him, and he pushed himself away from his window. Somehow, he had to find a way out. Leaving his room quietly, he listened for where his mother was. Downstairs. Vacuuming. Perfect.

Despite the vacuum, he kept his steps as silent as he could make them, and he sneaked towards his parents' room. He cracked open the door, and his eyes narrowed. They had installed an alarm on their window too. Leaning back into the hall, he checked the window at the end. There was one on it too. Apparently, their trust in him was presently very low. It was irritating, but he had been the one to leave through his window at night.

"Just great," he muttered before he looked back to their room. He could search for the code again, but that might take too long, and he couldn't afford that. That meant riskier behavior. Closing the door, he made his footsteps as soft as he could and headed towards the stairs. He peeked over the railing and into the living room. His mother was dancing to whatever song was playing in her ear buds as she continued to clean the area.

Directing his gaze away from her and towards the kitchen, his eyes landed on the backdoor. There was an alarm too on it. His brown optics shifted back to the living room, then to the front door. It was unlocked since his father was outside. Maybe when his mother turned to face the right angle, he could sneak past her and out the front door.

Heading down the stairs and hiding behind the railing in the process, which wasn't that great of a cover but it was the best he had, he managed to reach the bottom and peek around the end of the railing. His mother faced the television now as the vacuum swept underneath the television stand. Quietly, he tip-toed across the floor and practically dove behind the couch when his mother turned around his way. The vacuum didn't switch off, and he barely could hear her hum over the sound of the vacuum. He hadn't been seen.

Moving along the back of the couch, Oliver directed his gaze over the armrest. Her eyes were towards the kitchen. Not wasting any time, he left his hiding place and opened the front door. She didn't notice. Oliver left his home and gently closed the door after him. Swiftly, he switched his attention over to his father. The older male continued about his work and checked up towards his son's window in the process. With a roll of his eyes, Oliver crept down the stairs carefully so as not to slip and darted over to the nearest tree he could.

Momentarily, he peered around it. His father didn't spot him, so he moved to the next tree. He continued this process until he was well away from his home. Like before, he headed for the trees and hid himself among them as he made his way to the funeral home. Admittedly, it was foolish to travel into the woods with the creature around, but it was either that or get caught by his parents, and he didn't want to blow his shot with the paranormal investigator group. Sure, he couldn't do that if he was dead, but he wouldn't be able to if today went wrong with them either. Either way, he had to succeed in meeting the group's plan. Not showing wasn't an option in his opinion.

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