The Creepier Halls

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

As the creature's words resonated throughout the room and the flames flickered with an eerie glow, Oliver hesitantly turned his gaze upward from where the drop fell. His brown optics widened as if windshield wipers were being scraped across glass and removing rain slowly. He blinked, thinking that he would view something else when he reopened his eyes. Another drop formed and ran towards the base of the thin stalactite. Oliver moved slightly back towards the creature to avoid the drop. It barely missed his dark brown locks as it descended to the earth.

Splattering against the ground, it left a stain on it like the drops prior. The crimson puddle was nothing like the gruesome sight above it. Oliver couldn't help but spin around and lean against the wall for support. His arms held his stomach, and his head hung a little. Even though he faced away from the sight, though, it was engrained in his memory. In his head, the words vilely inhuman came to him as though they were a broken record.

He swallowed, but his lips parted in desperation to breathe air away from the room, but he doubted that the creature would let him leave the cave system now that he already was in it. Oliver shut his eyes, but the horrid sight reappeared before him. What was up there ... It was like ... It was like ... His arms clutched his stomach more, and another drop dripped to the floor. A chill ran up his spine, and he heard the creature taking another bite out of the liver.

Taking a deep breath in before exhaling, he tried to calm himself down, but the image formed in front of his eyes once more. Limbs ... Two hands, two forearms ... The stalactite was straight through them as though they were part of some sick shish kabob. There must've been more blood earlier, which would explain why some of the puddle was dried.

"The person those belonged to was long dead before I put them up there. It had relieved some of my anger at the time to just pierce those parts," the creature explained casually, though; the terrifying gleam in its eyes wasn't gone. "Though," it giggled, "it'd be even creepier if I had left the person alive." Another giggle parted from it before he took a large bite out of the liver and swallowed after the disturbing sound of his chewing. "Imagine that. A bleeding out human worming their way around here, begging for help." It grinned in sadistic glee. "Be even more horrifying than me in this darkness."


The creature raised a brow and held out its left. Its nails were extended out and were decorated with a crimson color. "Oh, you mean," it pointed at itself, "I still scare you more than that?" It giggled, but Oliver didn't respond. Now, it quirked a brow. "You're not going to give me the silent treatment now, are you?" A mock pout crossed its lips. "That'd be such a pity."

"You're still more terrifying because you suggested that," Oliver answered, not being able to resist sending a harsh glare the creature's way. His response, though, caused the creature's optics to widen with amusement, but wrath still boiled in its eyes.

"Yet, you're here, and you think you can capture me even though I refuse to accept a deal with you." The creature finished the liver and licked any blood from its fingers. "That's why I'm going to enjoy tormenting you even more." Gradually, the creature got to its feet, and Oliver stood back up straight even if his stomach protested. "You think that you'll be able to subdue me unlike all of the other investigators, thrill seekers and everyone else that entered the tunnels."

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