The Sharper Desire

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Amusement park restrooms weren't the cleanest, and the fact that she was pressed up against the wall of one wasn't exactly that appealing if at all for that matter. Despite that issue, there was a greater one a couple of feet in front of her. How had she foolishly forgotten to clarify which part of her he could have for dessert and how much? She just had to play the heroine and save that lady from an early fate with death. Her survival instincts told her to back out, but she didn't want to add a fifth person to the list of the creature's kills in such a short time span. It wasn't realistic to think that she could prevent another death for the rest of the game, but her mind still would like to think that.

Right now, however, she could prevent one, but her deal with the creature for that woman's life hadn't been planned out in the smartest of fashions. Hearing him move, though, dragged her from her thoughts, and she stared straight ahead even if she couldn't see him. That's where he last had been. "You can always back out of this, (f/n), and just let me kill that woman." He took another step forward.

"N-n-no," she responded, her voice coming out shakier than she had wanted it to. Her hands clenched by her sides out of fear when he stepped closer to her. He leaned down, and she could feel his breath by her right ear. (F/n) couldn't help but shake a little. In the past, he had taken bites and small samples of her multiple times, but they never grew less terrifying. The pain always came back, and that primal part of him always lit up in his optics after he had a taste. There continually was the question of whether he would lose control of his urges and just finish her off or force things to go further even if his words pointed to him holding himself back.

"Very well." He moved his lips back, and she felt his hands rest on her coat. "I'm going to take this off and your shirt." Her cheeks grew slightly warm despite the situation, and she muttered something in response. A giggle left him. "You act like I haven't changed you before." The creature soon slipped off her jacket and placed it on the sink counter. Another giggle escaped him. "Have you forgotten the cabin?"

"No," her tone came out harsh. She felt his hands touch the hem of her shirt. Quickly, she placed her hands over his. "I can take off my shirt, though, now." He giggled once more, but he stepped back. Still embarrassed to a degree, she removed it and felt for her coat before she placed it on top. Hesitantly, she asked, "W-What pa-part ..."

Cutting her off, he giggled and answered, "Just some from your back."

"But, that ..."

Again, he didn't let her finish. "I know. The scars all healed nicely even the newer ones." The creature closed the distance between them once more. His hands landed on either side of her on the counter while his chest was only a couple inches from her back. "So, it'll be perfect," he practically purred out. A shiver ran over her, and it didn't help that it felt like there was an air conditioning unit in the bathroom.

His left nails glided over her skin and along her spine. Another chill raced through her, and she couldn't help but grip the counter some. "But, I won't get another taste for probably some time." He pressed himself even nearer to her, closing the gap between them entirely. A series of dreadful thoughts passed through her mind, and she was tempted to bolt out the door even if she didn't have her coat and shirt on, but that would cause chaos and probably more deaths. Her hands gripped the counter more, and she shut her eyes even though the lights were off.

Infectious Devotion (Yandere M. x Fem. Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora