The Happier Team

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Finishing his account of what happened and even having added in the creature's dialogue to the best of his abilities, he waited for the group's reaction. He knew that he had them on his side now. If they rejected him from the group, he'd be shocked unlike this morning and before lunch. His simple story so far had done wonders, yet he had been worried about not having enough evidence the whole time. Oliver practically could scream from jubilation.

Terry's light purple short curls bounced around her head as she shook it some from glee. "It sounds soooo ... soooo wonderful," she sighed out dreamily. She grabbed Leon's right arm and leaned against him. That hadn't been what Oliver was expecting. "Its words fit the situation so well." A giggle left her. Thankfully, it sounded nothing like the creature's. Her purple optics met Oliver's, and she grinned. "It really knew how to play with you."

Patting his friend on the head, Leon chuckled lightly. "Don't worry. You can keep it after we get evidence of it and secure it." She formed a pout on her baby face. "Terry, Gretchen and I promised that you would get it. I just want my pictures and samples of it. And, Gretchen just wants the knockout blow and a picture with it."

Hearing this, Oliver froze slightly. Gretchen took notice. "Something wrong, Oli?" She leaned on the table and rested her chin in the palm of her left hand. "Don't you want to catch it?"

His words nearly paused in his throat, but he managed to respond, "Yeah, but how do you think we can catch it?" He pointed at himself. "I nearly got killed. And, there's only ever been two survivors. One of them might be dead."

Rolling her eyes, Gretchen stretched out her thin lips into a grin. "And, we're going to add to the list of survivors." A chuckle left her. "Besides, it sounds like the (l/n) girl might still be alive and serving that thing." Clear dislike formed on Terry's countenance. Briefly, Gretchen looked to her. "Terry, we talked about this. All you have to do is ask her that you can have it. If she agrees, it's yours. If not," Gretchen shrugged and her grin became menacing, "we convince her to." Her dark brown optics stared back to Oliver. "So, you in?"

"Well ..." Gretchen raised an eyebrow, and Leon started to become disinterested. "I thought that we were going to work on ghost hunts and such now. The creature ..."

Letting out a sigh, Leon brushed back some of his black wavy locks. "Yeah, that was the plan until you told us about the creature. The creature's always been the top hunt once we knew that it was still out there. Now, we do." He frowned and leaned forward threateningly. "Unless you made that whole story up."

"What? No, I didn't!" Oliver swiftly replied, shaking his head.

"Then, we're getting that thing. You in or out?" he asked, glancing to Gretchen, who was waiting patiently. Oliver gulped, and he knew that they heard him. Maybe, his parents were right. Perhaps, he should break it off with them. Catching the creature was ... was ... just insane, but so was not accepting their invitation. Finally, he could get into the group that he wanted to enter. Sure, there were other kids, but he didn't want to talk to them. He wanted the offer he had now. "Well?"

Forcing back any thoughts that said otherwise, he nodded. "Yeah, I'm in."

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