The Smellier Solution

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Items were scattered about the old, dusty floor. Well-worn lace gloves, which were yellowed and torn in various places, ribbons, which weren't in a better state, and other similar things were removed from the decrepit box, which had searched written across it. (F/n) didn't know what Nick was looking for, but he told her that he had a plan and that it should work. She sat across from him and scanned over the storage/hiding area. "Why are you searching boxes anyway up here, and why hasn't the park removed them yet?"

"The workers are too scared to come up here, minus the security guards. That's why it hasn't been cleaned either." More items were placed aside, and he mumbled, "I swear that it was in here," before he glanced over to her. It was clear that she was waiting for some further explanation. He gave her a small smile. "Sorry." She shook her head and smiled back. "Anyway, Deidre and I got called out to examine the place since workers have claimed to hear loud bangs and footsteps up here when no one is up here. None of the guests think anything of it since they think that it's just part of the ride."

"The security guards haven't seen anything?"

"No, which made me think that it was just the old house the park had renovated some into an attraction. But, we did some researching on the place." He put aside a small fabric pillow. Old leaves seemed to spill out of it. "Apparently, a woman by the name of Winifred Rook had lived here with her husband and teenage daughter, Quincy and Bridget Rook, about a hundred years ago. Her husband and her daughter both had drowned in the lake due to a boating accident. What exactly had happened to cause the accident had been unknown at the time and still is. Out of grief she had packed all of their things into this storage area after she had purchased an identical copy of her husband's wedding band and placed it with the items in here."

By this point, (f/n) felt a chill racing up her back. For once, it wasn't because of the creature. "Winifred had locked herself in the bedroom across from here and had cried herself to death, well dehydrated herself, since she had refused to drink any water after their deaths." He sighed, annoyed, when he emptied the box and didn't find what he was looking for.

"And, have either of you seen or heard anything up here?" (f/n) asked, cautiously, wondering how he had been able to sit up here and search this room on his own.

"Both of us had heard crying in that bedroom and footsteps in the hallway." (F/n) froze. "Nothing else, though." Nick grabbed another box marked searched after he put the items back into the other box and pushed it aside. "We had been searching for the identical wedding band to see if we could have the husband interact with it."

"The husband's here too?" she asked, moving closer to Nick. He didn't mind, and he even positioned the lantern nearer to her. "Thanks." Nick nodded and started removing items from the new box, which were similar to the last one.

"That's what we think. The loud bangs that have been reported might be the husband knocking on that bedroom door to try and get his wife to come out so that they can move on."

"And, the daughter?"

"We think that she's passed on already. If the husband, though, can interact with the wedding band, he might be able to show his wife that it's him on the other side of the door. She might come out and leave with him." His brows furrowed as he sifted through the various objects faster.

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