The Stiller Deliberation

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Ringing continued in her ears as the clock's pendulum swung back and forth. It was booming, and her lips parted a bit in shock at the chance before her. She didn't know how trustworthy the creature before her was. After all, he had terrified her all the way through Flat Peak Tunnels, and he had admitted that he had hated her for the exposure of his species' weakness. Most likely, he wished to kill her, but he was saying that he would hold back since his frustration for the creature she knew was greater.

Yet, the whole thing was her best opportunity at killing the creature. You could've killed him before. Nearly, she scowled, and she pushed the thought aside. That had been an accident. Even the creature had admitted that to her, and she would keep that train of thought. Now, she wouldn't repeat the same mistake. Rather, she would have significant aid; she had a fair shot at ending him once and for all. "But ..." she started, her still shocked eyes staring to the creature before her.

"You don't trust me, right?" he asked as he leaned back on his chair. She nodded slightly. "It's understandable. You only just met me, and you know that I despise you. I'd be surprised if you weren't distrusting of me."

"Then ..." She trailed off, wondering if she ever could trust him a bit.

"Let me give you something." She raised a curious brow. "Maybe, it won't install your trust in me, but I can't really think of what will." The male stood up from his chair and headed over to a door in the room. "It's more information on the creature you know, however." At that, she sat up a little straighter.


"I researched more about his past. I wanted to understand why one of us so greatly would want such attention brought to himself." He opened the door and removed an old wooden box from the top shelf. "It took a few victims and searching their cell phones using their ..." His words trailed off, and he furrowed his brows. "Right, data. I destroyed the phones afterwards, but the light from those devices also helped to train my eyes against my weakness."

Walking over to the bed, she moved slightly away from him, and she winced in the process. He paid her action no mind. "Reading newspaper articles and missing person reports honestly got tiring after awhile, but it gave me something to do." His shoulders shrugged. "Some luck probably was involved too, but there was a lot of patience, especially since I rarely touched the devices beforehand."

"Then, you know," his optics met hers, "about Dunnuuna." He nodded his head and opened the metal latch on the box. "So, you went there?" Again, he nodded, and he pulled out several documents before he placed them before her. (F/n) watched his left nails glide across the sheets, and she felt relieved when they were no longer near her. "When?"

"I did, and I found his grandfather's, Garrick Qataap, house. I found the cabin too, and the secret entrance. I saw it all." He sighed. "It's no wonder he got to where he was back in Cankerfell tunnels. What his grandfather did to him was atrocious." His left index nail pointed to the papers. "Those I found in his grandfather's original home." Heading back over to the chair, he seated himself once more, and she was grateful for the distance. "I take it that you never entered his grandfather's home."

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