The Snappier Intelligence

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Everywhere, it remained quiet except for their light footsteps and breathing. Gretchen remained in the lead while Leon and Terry stayed behind her. So far, they hadn't encountered the creature or Oliver, presuming that Oliver had been captured, killed or both. By some small chance of luck, he might be successfully hiding, but they doubted that. Even if he had escaped with his life in the past, the creature had captured him back then too. As Terry had put it, little Ol would be perfect boyfriend material for Gretchen soon if not already.

The smirk that formed on the red-head girl's lips from that comment remained there now too. They were diving further into the cave system, which meant that they only could be drawing nearer to the creature. At some point, the creature would have to give up its hiding spot. All of them did stop at points to see if they could hear footsteps around them, but there was nothing every time.

Terry continued to press herself up against Leon and stared up ahead with searching eyes. She wanted to sight her love already; she wanted to give it its princess doll so that it always could have her next to it. The youngest member of the group desired to run up to it and give it a giant hug even if its clothes were soaked in blood; she didn't mind getting crimson on herself to be with it. Besides, she always could clean the creature up later before she put it in its cage for safe keeping.

Moving the flashlight back and forth a little, Leon paused. The light fell on a path traveling downwards. To get down there, though, one had to jump, and if the person didn't have help, they wouldn't be able to make it back up. Gretchen halted her walking and stared back to the two of them. "What is it?" she asked quietly as she stepped over to them.

Looking down, she leaned against a nearby rock wall. "Do you think that the creature might be down there?"

Leon met her gaze and shook his head. "I don't know. But, we haven't been having any luck up here. It's worth a shot, but all of us can't go down. Otherwise, we'll be stuck, especially if we have to bring an unconscious creature back up with us." Gretchen nodded in understanding, and Terry released his arm, but she didn't jump down. Focusing on both of them, he mentioned, "I can go down, and you two stay up here. Or, both of you can go, and I'll stay. Another option is Gretchen, you go, and I'll stay with Terry."

Gretchen was about to speak before they all heard a noise down the lower path. It sounded like something had been thrown. Leon crouched and shone the light down there more. Something went flying by as he did, and he fell backwards from surprise. The flashlight rolled, but Terry stopped it with her left foot. Composing himself, he pushed himself up and back onto his feet as Terry handed him the flashlight.

Upon each of their lips, there was a grin. "Looks like it is down there, and it wants us to come," Gretchen commented, excitement pumping through her veins. "Who should go?"

"I know who." All of them froze out of glee, and all of their gazes turned down. None of them could spot the creature, but the playful, high-pitched tone had to belong to it. "And, I want to make a little arrangement with that person." A giggle hit all of their ears, and Terry felt like she might faint from the wonderful sound. "It's simple. All of you want me, and I'll give you each a chance to get me. But, not at once."

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