The Softer Arrangement

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Even though the camera was stationary, she stayed low to the ground and sneaked over to the truck. Once she reached it, she raised herself up by a little bit and peeked inside. No keys were conveniently lying on the seat, and the truck looked empty. Even the bed of the truck had nothing, which made sense since it was the middle of the evening and the store already had closed.

What was nice, though, was the fact that the delivery truck looked like a normal white pickup truck. She would blend in better that way on the road. The truck probably was smaller than the usual delivery vehicle since the grocery store was local. There probably weren't too many people calling for their groceries to be delivered in the area. Unfortunately, she did note the store's logo on the left side of the vehicle. It even had the number for delivery painted on it too.

A sigh parted from her. Most likely, it was on the other side of the truck too, but she didn't check since she might walk into the camera's view. Well, it still was less obvious, especially since no logo was on the back of it. (F/n) turned her attention, however, to the driver's door, and she tried to open it. Not surprisingly, it was locked. She peeked in through the window next and saw that the passenger door was locked too, which meant that she needed to search for the keys.

Diverting her focus away from the truck and onto the rest of the backroom, she noticed the small office. Probably, the keys were in there, but the problem would be if there was another key to the office itself. If there wasn't, she would be surprised. Then again, the backdoor had been left open. Maybe, the workers had been careless again.

Her movement stopped, though, when she heard wheels rolling across tile. She glanced over to the back doors leading to the main store. From her viewpoint, she couldn't see anyone, but the sound was growing louder. There was no way that she would make it to the office in time, so she spun around and threw herself onto her hands. (F/n) crawled under the truck and watched a worker soon enter the space.

She was humming a light tune to herself as she wheeled the empty cart over to the stock section. Soon enough, she couldn't see the worker but only hear her due to her position. (F/n) didn't try to glance over her shoulder since the space between the base of the truck and her head was almost laughable. What she did catch, though, was the quiet sound of jingling keys. Hopefully, one of those wasn't the one to the office, or the night would become even more difficult.

The worker's humming continued, and one of the backdoors opened, but it never shut. (F/n) waited for the sound of the door to close, but a pit in her stomach formed when she heard the humming die down slowly until it faded completely. Carefully, she peeked out from under the truck. She didn't sight anything wrong, but the worker seemed just to be staring at something beyond the doors. There was no way that the creature would just stand in the middle of the store, right?

Crawling out from under the truck more, she attempted to get a better view of what the woman was observing. When she did see into the main store, she spotted nothing out of the ordinary, but the woman remained in place. "This doesn't make sense," the woman muttered to herself. "I know that I had seen those in there before I had walked in here," she continued to mumble. Doing her best not to make a sound, (f/n) moved out further from her hiding to follow the line of sight that the worker had. When she finally was looking in probably the exact direction the worker was staring in, she felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach. Both of them had their attention directed towards the floral department.

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