The Uglier Greed

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Light spun around the room. Water sparkled under its beam, and stone revealed itself. It highlighted the unconscious creature by the river, and it illuminated the wide smirk of the one who had subdued the creature. Dark brown eyes glittered, and short red curls were vibrant under the high-intensity beam. Gretchen reached her right hand up to catch the flashlight. Her fingers extended towards it. They wrapped around it.

Crimson shot throughout the air and sprayed her face. Metal and flesh collided with the floor, and red pooled around the two objects. The silence of victory was replaced by the cry of agony and shock. Knees felt weak as light rolled across the room before the flashlight hit a wall and joined the other one, which the creature had dropped earlier when Gretchen had attacked the creature.

Beams shed light on her covered feet as well as the droplets that splattered upon impact on the ground. All of her shook, and her right arm remained up in front of her. "M-My h-h-h-hand ..." she stuttered out, taking several steps back. Her knees gave out, and she crashed onto the floor. She supported herself up on her left hand and stared towards the river. The creature still was there; it hadn't moved at all, so ... how?

Swiftly, she scanned the area around her and wished that light illuminated the whole space better. Was there a second one? Had Terry decided to betray her in order to have the creature like her more? Her optics continued to check every part of the room, and her ears listened for anything new. There was nothing.

Gretchen clutched her handless arm to her chest and focused her attention back on the creature. She averted her eyes to its left hand. They steadily moved to its nails, which hung over the side of the rocky ground. There, fresh blood dripped into the icy waters below. "No," she began, shaking her head. "I knocked you out." Her left arm began to push her back and farther away from the thing. "How ... I-I-I ..." Panic set in more; she was sure that she had knocked it out. That thing couldn't have held its breath for that long. "No, I got you!" she shouted out, denial of the situation setting in hard.

The creature didn't move at all. She scooted towards a wall and used her remaining hand to pick herself up. Crimson continued to exit the massive wound now on her right arm, but she had no bandages; she had her clothes, but she wasn't going to wrap her wound up with that thing so near. Then again, it hadn't cut off her hand; it just hadn't! It was unconscious; she made it unconscious! "You're mine!" she yelled, not being able to hold back her hysteria.

At that, low giggles echoed about the room, each one distinct and filled with its own bloodlust. No words followed, only more of the maddening giggles. Gretchen froze completely. Her eyes pinned themselves on the creature. "Are you so sure?" Its haunting, nightmarish voice penetrated the shadows of her mind and reminded her of the time that she absolutely was terrified of the monster under her bed.

Its nails clicked against the stone like the monster would click its claws on the wall as its hands seemingly slithered up towards her pillows. Click. Click. Click. Her head couldn't stop shaking back and forth. "No, you're unconscious. Y-You h-have to b-b-b-be," she stuttered out towards the end.

"Where'd all your confidence go, Gretchen," it practically purred out in sadistic glee. Gradually, it picked itself up from the ground. Its joints popped, and no more blood graced its nearly white locks. Only the drying crimson remained like someone had splattered snow with thick red paint.

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