The Friendlier Contract

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Crossing his left leg over his right, he leaned his arms against his chest, and his eyes remained fixed on her (e/c) ones. She noted the black snow boots on his feet, and she furrowed her brows. "Helps me blend in better to lure in my prey." Her eyes switched back to his gaze, and she felt her body tense a bit. "It would be odd for me to be walking around bare foot. I could wear long pants, and, in the night, I doubt that anyone would notice too much, but it serves as a precaution too."

He rolled his shoulders, and his eyes glanced to the lantern; he didn't even squint at the light. "Like I had said; I've had to adjust. Still, I take them off when I don't have to go anywhere." An annoyed, yet calm sigh parted from his lips. "But, that's not important right now." The male's attention averted back to her optics. "We have a deal to discuss."

She couldn't help but gulp quietly. He raised a brow. "I take it that he's made deals with you before." Her silence gave him his answer. "Makes sense. It's probably why you're alive right now." Again, her lack of response told him all he needed to know. "Well, this deal you might actually find only beneficial."

Skeptical, she didn't move, and her eyes narrowed a bit in curiosity. "As I've said before, he's responsible for this whole mess too. I'm honestly surprised that none of my species has wiped him out already. Then again, they probably have their reasons. Distance, laziness, agreement with his methods, etc." He shrugged. "No idea."

Blood drained from her face. Her voice got caught in her throat, and she stuttered out, "Just how many of you are there?" His eyes diverted back to her fully, and his expression remained neutral even though she expected him to smirk sadistically in the process. The creature she knew would've done so.

"Not sure. Maybe, there are five." Her heart relaxed a little. "Or, there could be a hundred or more." Instantly, her stomach clenched awfully, and she thought that she might be sick. "Again, we're usually discreet, and we don't have too many interactions with another one of our species, which might also be a reason why no one's attacked him yet from our kind."

Clicking his nails against the left arm of the wooden chair, he continued, "And, it's surprising that you've now met two of us and are still alive. Most humans don't make it past one, either because they become food or a mate." Inwardly, she felt sick as her mind thought back to her deal with the creature. Even with his idea of how to save her, having his child still would be risky and incredibly painful, and she almost rested her hands over her midsection at the thought of it.

(F/n) didn't notice, however, that the creature before her noted her worry in her optics as soon as he said mate. "I'm curious." Her attention landed back on him completely. His head tilted to the left a little, and it somewhat reminded her of the creature she knew. "What was your deal with him?"

Not answering immediately, she glanced down to her hands. Slowly, she relaxed and let the sheet fall around her form until her hands rested on her lap. She remained close to the lantern, however, since she wouldn't let her guard down. Right now, she'd only make it seem that way, but from their interaction already, she could tell how perceptive he was, which made the situation worse.

"There's been more than one deal between him and me." She intertwined her fingers and wrung her hands together. Thankfully, her headache from when she first woke was less painful, but that might be because of the individual in front of her. There wasn't the luxury to have a headache and pay attention to it. Later, such behavior probably would come back to haunt her, but she had dealt with worse in the past.

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