The Madder Scream

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


As if she was watching someone open a door at a painful pace in a horror movie, she observed him withdraw his fingers back to him. The creature rubbed the tips together while his optics stayed pinned to them. (F/n) steadily began to walk backwards. Not a word left her. Even if she wanted to say something, she couldn't. Her throat felt constricted, and her heartbeat was beginning to hammer in her chest, which only made matters worse.

"Funny," he finally spoke, rubbing his fingers together still. "Your hair," a giggle parted from him, "it feels ... fake." His eyes gradually met hers again. He tilted his head a bit before he giggled again, and she wished that her mind only was playing tricks on her again; she desired the present moment just to be a one awful nightmare. She would wake up back in the apartment and find a normal work day ahead of her. "And, your heart is really going?" The creature placed his right hand back in the hoodie's pocket. "Are you scared?" His tone grew slightly high-pitched, and she felt fear wrap its tendrils around her like seaweed grasping for someone to join it in the depths of the ocean.

(F/n) couldn't help but gulp, and he took several steps towards her. Her hands gripped the straps of her backpack hard, and she walked backwards more. "My hair, it ..." She didn't even realize that her voice had reverted back to its usual because of the terror racing through her.

"Don't lie," he giggled out, grinning now, but his grin was anything but friendly. A pit formed in her stomach, and she wondered if she would be able to last any longer in the game. Before either of them said anything else, he raced towards her. Somehow, she managed to throw herself into the street just in time to dodge him; however, not all of her dodged him.

When she looked back up, he was holding the wig in his right hand while her (h/l) (h/c) wet locks fell around her face. "Isn't that odd?" The creature switched his attention down to her as she managed to pick herself up into a sitting position. Thankfully, she had her gloves on to help with the coldness of the street against her hands, but the cold was the least of her concerns. A giggle hit her ears. "You have the same hair length and color as my pink flower."

Stashing the wig into his duffel bag so that it wouldn't be found, the creature faced her fully. "And, your voice a few moments ago sounded like hers too, but your eyes ..." He leaned forward and grinned inhumanely. "You're wearing contacts, aren't you?" She crawled back some to create more distance. "Why don't you remove them?" (F/n) didn't respond. An eyebrow of his twitched, and she practically could feel the rage radiating off of him. His voice dropped by several tones, and he ordered, "Take them out now, or I'll do it."

Knowing that he intended to keep that promise, she reached up and felt her heartbeat increase to an amount she didn't think possible. Steadily, she took out the (different e/c) contacts and tossed them over to him. "Ah, there you are (f/n)." Her heart froze, and she didn't dare meet his gaze. He bent over and picked them up before the contacts joined the wig. "You did also have that wonderful smell to you, but I just wanted to be sure before I got my hopes up." The creature giggled once more, but it wasn't high-pitched at all. "And, about the grocery ..."

"You still haven't won," she managed to speak without stuttering. Slowly, she picked herself up to her feet, and she felt his eyes follow her every move. Daringly, she locked her optics onto his. Her legs shook, but she stood her ground. She had to, or she would lose tonight. "So, you're not going to take a bite out of me any time soon."

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