The Bluer Reports

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Fingers rapped against the brown particle board table. A back was pressed against the navy blue plastic chair while a game show played on the television in the break room. There was a small window to the left of the individual. Clouds rolled over the night sky, and they only were visible due to the moonlight outside. Beams of the light hit the asphalt of the parking lot of the station, and it was anything but pleasant looking. Rather, the illumination gave off a haunting vibe.

Light green optics continued to stare out of the window while the male ignored the warm cup of coffee on the tabletop. Steam greeted the air while the smell of the beverage dominated the room, yet that didn't affect his troubled thoughts. Over the past couple of days, the fingerprints from the diner presented no matches in the system, and the diner had no activity. No one had seen Greta or Rick. Following that news, two more missing person reports came in. They concerned a truck driver whose truck was still at the diner and a teenager who was last seen on a tour bus. All four were going to have their pictures posted on the news this evening in the nearby areas.

Despite all of that, there was something else bothering him. The back of their van had been unlocked when they had arrived at the station back on Wednesday. Thomas was sure that he had locked it before he had entered the Speedy Sandwiches that day. What concerned him was the possibility that someone from the diner had sneaked into their van without them knowing and had left when they had stopped at the fast food place. He had reported his thoughts to Dan, but he had said that he was over-thinking things and that he probably had forgotten to lock the van.

So, they had tested for fingerprints on the back handle, and there had been a few matches outside of the system. Dan, however, had reminded him that a couple of days before the diner a couple of drunken individuals had tried to break into the van, thinking that the van had been their own van, which had been a few parking spaces down. They had let the two go, but they had them wait at the nearby gas station to sober up some first.

Thomas, though, had wanted to check security footage, but the diner didn't have any, and Speedy Sandwiches only had one camera in the restaurant. Unfortunately, it hadn't been facing the direction of their van either. The missing teen had been seen on it, but no more footage had been caught of him once he had left the building.

Therefore, he was at a dead end with his theory, but he just had a feeling that he was right about it. Something strange if not terrible had happened at the diner, but the place had been cleaned down completely. There had been no sign of foul play inside. If there had been, whoever had caused it knew how to clean the place up well, which would explain why the place had smelled of cleaner when they first had arrived at the diner.

A loud knock broke him out of his thoughts. His optics averted their attention over to the doorway. Dan had his arms crossed and was leaning against the doorframe. "You still thinking about that unlocked door?" he asked with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah," Thomas answered, sighing, as he finally acknowledged his coffee again.

"Well, you got to stop." Dan pushed himself off of the doorframe and knocked the wood there. "We got the rest of our shift ahead of us." His voice became more energetic even if it was clear that he wanted the rest of the night off. "Down that coffee, and let's get going. We can't let an unlocked door slow us down. The same with those missing person reports."

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