The Baser Fixation

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

As soon as the giggles fell silent, the creature moved, and an echoing scream came shortly after. "Te-Ter ...!" Oliver tried to cry out, but his throat abandoned him. Instead, he began to cough. Each one was like eating hot coals. Tears wanted to form in his eyes from the agony, but they couldn't. All he could do in his struggle was to reach out his left hand towards where she had been.

A deathly quiet fell over the room soon after. Not even soft footfalls or Terry's attempts to pretend to fight back could be heard. Oliver couldn't manage to call out again, and his body ached horribly from the exertion of it all. His ears tried to focus in on what happened to either of them, or if the creature already had killed her and simply was watching him in the silence to mess with him. There was nothing, however, and he was left alone again in the pit that felt like the depths of some terrible void.

Darkness stretched beyond that room and into another. It was a room higher up in the cave, and one would think that it would be lighter there, but it wasn't. Instead, it was like all of the other rooms and halls in the cave system: pitch black and cold. In order to reach it, the creature had to duck on the way up, which unfortunately caused him to move the wretched girl closer to him. He practically could hear her swooning in his arms, and it sickened him to his core when he felt her snuggle into him.

Upon entering the small room, the creature set her down in the middle of it. When he tried to pull away, her hands clung to his hoodie. An annoyed sigh escaped him, but she probably figured that he was sighing out of deep affection for her or some b*llsh*t like that. "So, you're mine now, right?" she asked, her hands holding onto him tighter. Terry pulled him closer before her hands slid up his chest and towards his neck and face. "I got you your information."

Even in the dark, he could see the disgusting sparkles in her purple optics. Her fingers touched his neck, and he thought that his skin might burn from her touch and not in a good way. No, that feeling of delightful, intoxicating fire belonged only to his little helper. "Did you like my performance?" He didn't answer, but was he impressed by it? No, not in the slightest.

If anything, it proved how despicable she was, and, maybe, if he was a more caring living being for more than his pink flower, he might've felt bad for Oliver and how easily he had fallen for her act. Unfortunately for Oliver, he wasn't, and that kid's punishment wasn't done either. "I bet you did," she whispered to him in a voice that was an insult to his intelligence. An eyebrow of his twitched in the process.

On her tippy-toes, she snaked her arms around his neck and intertwined her fingers behind it. He had to lean down in the process and closer to her vile face. A nauseating giggle escaped her. "And, I can name you now too." She hummed in thought and closed her eyes with a vomit-worthy smile stretching across her lips. "What should it be?" she questioned, pushing him even nearer to her. His nose almost touched hers. "Ah!" Terry jumped up, and he leaned his head back just in time to avoid her hitting him. Seriously, he was going to need a bath after this.

"I'm going to name you ..." Before she could utter a word, he sighed, and she squealed at his breath hitting her lips. Terry took in the iron-scented smell greatly and fell against his chest in the process. "We're just so close." Her words practically were dripping with high concentrations of sugar. It felt like someone had shoved a dozen of those ... What were they called? The creature furrowed his brows before he remembered. They were those sticky marshmallow sprinkle things that were often colored with bright hues, and it felt like she just had forced them into his mouth. "That's why I'm going to call you ..."

Infectious Devotion (Yandere M. x Fem. Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt