The Comfier Oddity

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Something soft rested under her, and she didn't feel snow pressed up against her limbs. Even her clothes felt slightly less damp than she had anticipated. She shifted a bit before a pained moan parted from her, and she furrowed her brows from the soreness of her body. Her head moved some, and she felt a rough surface behind her. Most likely, it was the bark of a pine tree in the area, but she hadn't ...

Confusion filled her still foggy mind, and she steadily opened her eyes to view her surroundings. What she assumed to be morning light greeted her (e/c) optics, and she had to squint as her eyes adjusted to it. She went to lift her right arm to shield her eyes, and she winced at the movement. Looking down, she noticed the bandages, and she reminded herself that she had a pretty severe cut there; however, something was off about the bandages.

They were tied securely and neatly around her arm. Even the blood on them looked less than she had expected. Gently, she ran her left fingers over them, and she felt them brush against something underneath. Curious, she managed to move some of them aside and peek underneath. It loosened them a little bit overall, but she had a feeling that she'd be fine even if that happened. Sure enough, her cut had been stitched closed.

Putting the bandages back in place and opening her eyes fully since they had acclimated to the light, she noted her surroundings more, and she had a blanket both under her and over her lap. She also was sitting up against a tree, and she looked to be on some abandoned small boat dock. Unfortunately, there was no old boat to go with it, but there was snow on it. Around her, though, there was very little like someone had cleared it for her, and only a little bit of snow had fallen on her in the meantime.

Had the creature done all of that for her, and if so, did that mean he had called another timeout? She certainly hoped so. Otherwise, she had other major concerns now on her hands, but why hadn't he stayed around? Usually, he liked to show off his consideration and stick around to grin at her or something like that.

Another odd thing was the blankets. The creature did seem to enjoy them back at her house. Probably because he had stolen them at times and had her cuddle up next to him in her sleep for warmth. An eyebrow of hers twitched in irritation at the thought. For their game, however, she doubted that he'd waste space in his duffel bag for a blanket, especially two of them. He was practically immune to the cold and its effects, so there wasn't any need for one for his traveling purposes unless he really had grown to love the soft texture.

Strangely, though, she never had seen either blanket in her house. He could've picked them up somewhere else. Maybe, he had ran into Flat Peak and picked them up, but why not set her in a warmer location, then, to save him the trouble? It was more likely that he would've set her on his lap and had her use him as a blanket. A scowl greeted her lips at the thought, but that made more sense for him. Not to mention that both blankets looked old, and despite their still soft quality and them keeping in her warmth to a degree, they did have small holes in them, like they had seen quite a bit of use in the past.

Regardless of the peculiar findings she had woken up to, there also was the fact that the boat dock looked abandoned. Maybe, the town had grown lazy, or it was private, but there were no boats around. And, the wood seemed to be quite old too and in desperate need of repair or replacement. She figured that it only was supporting her because she was on the wood that rested over solid ground.

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