The Wackier Few

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

 Going back to his chair, he seated himself and crossed his arms over his chest as leaned back on the wooden object. His left nails tapped against his right arm in a slow manner, but his eyes didn't hold a threatening gaze. Rather, they portrayed that calm, collected demeanor of his. "What you need to do is simple." He averted his gaze to the boarded-up windows. "When you're ready, you'll head outside and wait for him. If he's outside already, it shouldn't take too long for him to spot you. If he entered the tunnels, it might take some time."

He shifted a bit on his chair as he stared back to her. "Though, you've been here for awhile. Meaning if he's in the tunnels, he shouldn't be in them for too much longer, especially with that cave in." The male rested his right arm on the armrest and leaned against his knuckles as she went to ask a question, but he beat her at speaking. "After I brought you here from the water, you've been out for several hours. It's late afternoon now."

Her eyes widened slightly, though; they did so more at the fact that the creature she knew ... Ether ... hadn't found her yet. "... That's strange." She furrowed her brows. "How has he ...?"

"He's probably unfamiliar with another of his kind's scent since I have a feeling that he's never met another one of them. He most likely doesn't know what to make of it or the whole situation." He shrugged. "It gives us an advantage as he's probably confused about who else is in the town. He'll most likely also be extremely worried about your safety." She rolled her eyes at that, but the creature before her ignored her action.

"So, then all I have to do is wait outside?" she questioned, moving back to the topic at hand. He nodded. "What about you?"

"I'll be using his confusion on the situation to sneak up behind him and attack him while he's focused on you." An almost bored expression crossed his countenance. "It's been easy dodging his detection this entire time, and with him concentrated on you and your safety, it'll all go smoothly for us."

Nodding, she moved to get out of bed carefully so that her sore body wouldn't complain too much. She draped her legs over the edge and glanced back to him. Hesitantly, she asked, "... Your name ... Do you mind if I know it?" He raised a brow. "Well, you're helping me and not killing me despite your dislike of me, so I didn't want to be rude."

The statement sounded odd coming out of her mouth, especially since he had tormented her down in Flat Peak tunnels, but that seemed his idea of fun, and he now was over it. Of course, she didn't appreciate his earlier treatment of her, but he was helping her kill the creature and was letting her go afterwards. That made up a little bit for that horror show underneath the town.

"Strange." He crossed his arms again and analyzed her waiting expression. "Maybe, that's why he started to like you." She raised a brow. "You're respectable despite my past actions." The male tilted his head to the left. "You do understand that I could kill you in a few seconds if I wanted to, right?"

Steadily, she nodded her head. "I do," she managed to answer with a little bit of confidence in her voice. "But, you've already made a promise with me." His expression was unreadable before he sighed and stood up from his chair. The male's booted feet somehow still walked across the floor with a softness that almost was inaudible.

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