The Hastier Hiding

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

As the evening hours passed into early morning, the drive along the road contained paranoia, but, at least, her lip had healed. (F/n) still hadn't seen the creature after her, though, and, thankfully, there weren't too many cars on the road. It did help that it was pitch black out except for headlights on other vehicles so that the labels on the sides of the truck couldn't be seen; however, that would become a problem as the morning progressed. At some point, she'd have to move on foot. Otherwise, someone might wonder why Faller's Grove local grocery delivery truck was hours out from the town. If someone reported it, that would be even more problematic since she'd then have police on her, not to mention that they might be able to get a quick glance of her appearance.

Additionally, the workers back at the store probably were up by now if the creature hadn't disposed of them. She hoped that he hadn't, but she also doubted that he had. In a small town like that if two people went missing, it'd be a huge deal, but the workers would report the strange happenings and the missing the truck. With that in mind, she might already have police looking for her.

A pit formed in her stomach at that idea. If they got involved, the situation would become too complex, and she'd be hounded with questions about the creature and where she had been all of those months. Her parents most likely would be questioned too, and their livelihoods might be on the line. They already had enough on their plate; she didn't wish to add more to that.

Such thoughts and possibilities pointed to the simple fact that she'd probably have to dump the car soon. If she could do so near another town, that would be preferred so that she could hide out in shelter somewhere, but the current environment provided none of that. All around her still were tall pines, but the snowfall was less, and the temperature was slightly warmer too, so the conditions were better than before if she did have to trek out in the cold.

Checking the clock in the car, she noted that it was four in the morning. The sun probably wouldn't rise until six-thirty, so she had about another two hours of complete darkness, an hour and a half if she was playing it safe. That amount of time, though, wasn't including the possibility that the truck already was being searched for. Regardless of those facts, she wished to know where the creature was so that she wouldn't park the car and find him waiting right outside for her.

Groaning at her predicament, she leaned her head against the steering wheel momentarily. Briefly, she stared to the gas tank. She had a quarter tank full, which should be enough for the rest of the drive. Besides, stopping at a gas station was out of the question, especially with a stolen vehicle. And, it would be unnecessary since she had to leave the truck behind soon anyway.

Lifting her head back up, she checked the mirrors again, and she didn't sight the creature again. Annoyingly, though, she couldn't see too far out due to the amount of light around her. Her right fingers tapped against the wheel, and she tried to figure out where he could be hiding. If he had jumped into the bed of the truck, she would've heard it, but there were so many trees around her that he simply could be using them as cover. (F/n) easily could imagine the entertained grin on his lips as he giggled. The desire to punch him straight in the face coursed through her, and she had to grip the wheel harder to replace that urge.

Shifting a bit on the seat, she attempted to get a bit more comfortable as sitting for so long was uncomfortable to a degree. Then again, she knew that she'd miss the truck when she had to leave it and travel on foot. As she moved, though, she winced since she pressed down too hard on her left thigh. Briefly, she peered down to where her wound was covered by her jeans. A shiver snaked up her spine at the thought of him biting her there, and her leg nearly twitched from the memory of it.

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