The Stronger Ridiculousness

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Back and forth, back and forth, the pattern had kept repeating itself, and it continued to do so. The creature understood taking one's time to explore and being careful so that nothing was missed, but this was a whole new level. Did she really think that he would be pressed up against some wall and hoping that she didn't spot him before he could surprise her? Almost, he was tempted to sigh out of boredom.

He could've sped the process up and revealed himself, but he didn't want to yet; he wanted to wait until they reached the proper room. Otherwise, she might attempt to outsmart him and end up in another location that would be less amusing. Then again, he could've always dragged her back to where he wished her to be, but his true strength might be unveiled completely if he did that.

Of course, the human had some knowledge about his capabilities, but she never had seen them herself. He suspected that in that head of hers she believed herself able to overpower him. She might think herself different from the investigators before her, but she wasn't. All she wanted was to state that she knocked him out, that she was able to overcome the unstoppable beast. Unfortunately, that took quite a bit of careful, wise planning that the girl before him was incapable of.

If she had been more cautious, she wouldn't be in the cave right now. No, she would've waited until he was completely distracted by his pink flower, and she would've had her own set of tools on her. All of them wouldn't have been on that trash in the water now. Instead of that, she was several feet in front of him and only had a flashlight.

(F/n) had similar items back in the tunnels, but she had his interest, and she had help. Gretchen had neither. She practically was a walking and ready-to-eat steak. The only reason she wasn't dead was because he had a more fitting death for her.

As they turned another corner, flowing water greeted their ears. It was quiet, but as they traveled downwards now, it grew significantly louder. The rushing water's sound echoed up the natural staircase in the stones, and it completely erased the noise of their footsteps, but the creature wasn't sure if Gretchen had heard him behind her or not.

Perhaps, she just was playing him, which would be a foolish move on her part. Even if she was, he already suspected the possibility of that, and she, ultimately, just couldn't get the jump on him. Before she could even make a surprise attack, he already would be at her throat.

When they reached the bottom of the stairwell, the almost roaring river came into view. The path stopped right in front of it. On the other side was some solid floor, but the path didn't continue. In fact, the room was a dead end unless she rode the water under the rocks, but since the water went right up to the rocks, there would be no room for her to breathe. Given how deep the cave went, he also presumed that the water would flow for quite some time, which would guarantee that she wouldn't be able to recover her breath. That was speculation, but he doubted that she actually would leap into the water. No, she was too determined to capture him, and she only would enter the water if he went in first. Luckily for her, he didn't feel like taking a grand tour of a natural water slide.

Her flashlight's beam scanned over the room, and she stepped up close to the water. She peered down into it, and the creature smirked as he leaned against the nearby left wall. Even he wouldn't be able to withstand that current. Gretchen backed up a little before she ran and jumped over the water to the other side. The young teen made a perfect landing, and a smirk touched her lips. "This is what you wanted, right?" the confidence in her voice nearly was sickening.

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