The Higher Flight

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Several giggles left him. "Isn't this amusing?" he asked, eyes glancing over the area. "And, no video cameras as far as I can see." He giggled more. "Probably, why no has come out to tell you that you should let go." The creature shrugged his shoulders. "Or, maybe, that person is finding this pretty comical too." His feet began to step forward at a casual pace.

(F/n) kicked her legs up, and her hands gripped the railing harder. After several kicks, she finally managed to rest her feet on the some of the stairs' poles across from her. "Oh?" He giggled. "You're going to climb them like a ladder?" She didn't answer. Instead, she released one hand from the present pole and placed it on the next. Her arms felt like they were being ripped from their sockets from all of the strain she was putting on them, but she didn't know if the creature actually would tag her now or not.

"I'm impressed. You might actually make it to the top." He giggled once more. His hands rested in his pockets. "But, I always can reach up and tag one of your hands or feet before you get too high up." Her heart paused momentarily before she forced herself to climb at a quicker rate. The creature smirked. "We both know that you only can go so fast."

Moving up a few more of the poles, she tried to ignore him. "Or, perhaps, I should meet you at the top." He giggled. "Congratulate you on your hard work." Her eyes widened slightly at the possibility of him doing that. Most likely, he simply could race up the railing and wait at the top. Then, all of her present effort would be for nothing.

She told herself not to think about that alternative yet since she only had another ten to go. (F/n) reached out farther than before and skipped over one. Her feet followed, and she proceeded that way. Groans escaped her, and her left side burned from the wound there. It wouldn't be surprising if she reopened the scratch marks there, but she didn't check for blood. There was no time for that.

The animatronic man jumped out again. Mentally, she cursed. He was so close, but she didn't think that he could reach her anymore. Only four more to travel up. She skipped another pole, and a grunt of effort parted from her. A whistle from below caught her ears. "I'm tempted to applaud you too. Maybe, take you out for another dessert." Giggling, he asked, "Would you like that?"

No reply left her. She finally grabbed hold of the final pole, and she pulled her body up. Soon enough, she was at the top of the stairs. (F/n) rested on her hands and knees, catching her breath. Her gaze focused on him, and her optics widened considerably. He was on sitting on the railing as the trap door closed. With ease, he lifted himself onto it.

Not waiting for him to run up, she threw herself onto her feet and bolted despite her tired state. She heard racing footsteps behind her, but she turned right up ahead. Several old wooden doors were along the walls. They hadn't seen paint in years, and dust coated the area like a thick sheet. (F/n) covered her nose and mouth as she tried not to cough.

A door to her right opened quietly, and she practically jumped. The creature's footsteps, however, were close. Swiftly, she grabbed whoever was leaving the room and pulled them back in with her. She closed the door as quietly as she could until it completely was shut. Almost, the person spoke, but she covered his mouth hurriedly. "Shh," she whispered. Mumbles left him, and she put her other hand over his mouth. Her optics averted to his face, and a stern stare greeted him until she froze.

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