The Speedier Getaway

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

He heard her quick goodbyes to her parents, and he could tell that both parties wished for a longer goodbye, but all of them knew that things were not in his pink flower's favor. Even with the one hour head start he had given her, he wasn't worried in the slightest. The creature knew where she was going. It was easy. She needed to lose the car, and she needed to get to another location fast, preferably one out of the country. Not to mention that she had the money for that purpose. His lovely little helper would be heading straight to the nearest airport, and with her parent's internet he knew exactly where to cut her off at.

There was the chance that she would suspect that he would understand that logic, but he didn't want to run to all of the different airports to check on her; there wasn't enough time for that. It was one shot, and he'd use time against her too. She was in a rush and required quick transport out, so she likely wouldn't think of going to a farther out airport. Besides for her to arrive at a more distant one, she'd have to take the same road that he was going to cut her off at unless she decided to go off of the road, but he doubted that.

When he finished his packing, he set the duffel bag aside and sighed heavily at the leftover food in the fridge. It was such a waste. He supposed that he could shove the bags of food in his pockets and feast on the way. At least, all of the freezer food fit in the bag. Regardless, he liked the one idea and started to shove his black hoodie with the cold meat. His optics turned back to the fridge when he was done. Most definitely, he would have to clean up the blood that had leaked out of some of the bags. That led him to his cleanup duty; he couldn't leave a speck of him having been there.

Momentarily, he left the room before he returned with all of the needed cleaning supplies. Some, though, were already in the bathroom. His eyes briefly glanced to the clock. Thirty minutes to go. A grin spread on his lips. He wondered how far out she was by that point.

She wondered how far along he was in packing and cleaning. Her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, and she let the street signs zip by. (F/n) didn't travel too much over the speed limit since she didn't wish to get pulled over. That would waste time exceedingly, and she only had thirty minutes left before he exited her home. The nearest airport still was fifty minutes out. Would she have enough time to board and fly off?

Doubt ate at her heavily. Part of her argued to drive to a farther airport, but she wanted out immediately. If she went to a more distant one, the creature might anticipate that and meet her at one. Or, he might cut her off sooner. He also could realize that she'd be traveling to the closest one, and it was a gamble. The whole deal was.

The longest she had been away from him since the tunnels had been three weeks, and that had been his choice. Otherwise, she would've seen him back again sooner. Never had she been away from him for long in the past, and that thought desired to press the panic button in her head continuously. How the h*ll was she supposed to do that for a year? And, what if he did meet her at the airport?

Would he really reveal himself in public like that? It didn't seem likely, but he could figure out a way to blend in. A hood over his head and hands in his pockets might seem suspicious, but his speed was incredible. He always could dart through a crowd, and none would be the wiser. They'd probably only feel a brief breeze before wondering where it had come from.

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