The Shriller Racket

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


A soft moan escaped from her parted lips. She shifted and rolled onto her right side since her left caused her pain if there was too much pressure on it. Even her sleeping body recognized that much; however, it failed to notice something else, something probably more important to her state of mind. Her fingers wrapped around a soft fabric and missed bloodstains, which blended and hid themselves in the black background, while her legs curled up more. (F/n) tucked her head in closer to where her hands were. To her tired body, the gentle touch of cotton and even denim felt wonderful, and it was even better that the source they were on was warm.

Whether that warmth was inviting or not depended on the state of her. Still asleep, her body loved it in the chilly autumn season. Fingers combed through her (h/c) hair carefully, and another gentle moan left her. A smile hit the lips of the male by her. When she began to shift more, however, his smile fell into a slight frown. She was waking up.

That frown didn't last long, though. She rolled onto her stomach as a slight moan of discomfort left her. Her face tucked into his lap, and her hands clutched at his jeans. A smirk touched his lips, and he tried not to giggle at her current position.

Eyelids blinking open, her hands held onto his jeans more. At first, she wondered what she was staring at. Confusion set in, and she furrowed her brows as she blinked more remnants of sleep away from her optics. As she woke up more, her mind finally registered that she was peering at fabric ... warm fabric. Her heart seemed to skip a beat in trepidation.

Steadily, she pushed herself up. Heat invaded her cheeks. Her face had been very close to a particular area on him. She didn't even look to him. Rather, she hurriedly pushed herself away and backed up on the bench. (F/n) received a few odd stares from passersby, but she didn't care about that at all. The young woman, though, soon regretted her quick movement and pressed her right hand to her left side some as she winced. Memory of what had happened in the bathroom greeted her, and she couldn't believe that she actually had fallen asleep with him so near during the game even if it was on timeout currently.

Continuing to smirk, the creature quirked a brow, which was hidden under his hood, at her. "You could've stayed on my lap for longer, (f/n)." He giggled. "I wouldn't have minded." A scowl greeted her lips, and he only giggled more. "That's no way to thank me for letting you sleep, especially after you ruined my enjoyment of dessert."

Realizing that he hadn't taken a bite from her, she paused and pressed herself more against the other side of the bench. "Oh, don't worry. I still had it before I bandaged your wound." A sigh left her, and she parted her lips to speak, but he beat her to it. "And, the game hasn't started back up. I'll begin it again when you're ready." His optics turned towards the rest of the park as his right hand rested back in his hoodie pocket with his left one. "Also, I used some of your money to purchase some snacks for you."

Sitting straight up now and wincing in the process, she frowned heavily. "You did what?!" she asked in a quiet yell. "What else did you do? Did you spend all of it?"

Giggling, he glanced slightly to her amused. "No thank you?" He sighed and shook his head. Her fiery gaze didn't let up. The creature waved his right hand dismissively. "But, I didn't. I only spent about seven dollars. The snacks are in your backpack. I even got your favorites from the vending machines." His right index finger tapped his head. "I remembered them quite well."

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