The Pinker Entrancement

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Once more, no words left her. Nick didn't do anything wrong, but she had a feeling that the creature would interpret his actions in a different light even though Nick only had been comforting her through that rough display of emotions. She doubted that he even would despise the fact that she had made meals for him, but it's not like she could make meals for the creature even if she desired to, which she didn't. (F/n) wasn't going to handle human and serve it on a platter to the male in front of her.

Her attention focused back on him, and she couldn't ignore the near panicked look in his optics. What are you going to do? That voice was taunting her again, but she had no answer for it. He stepped closer to her, and the snow crunched quietly under his steps. His left nails reached out, and he asked again, "What did he do?" She walked back, and his nails just missed her right cheek. The creature dropped his hand, and a scowl graced his lips. "Protecting him will only make this worse and his torture longer."

(F/n) dodged a tree and continued to distance herself from him. Her hands clutched the straps of her pale yellow backpack more, and she wanted to run, but he would catch her right now. Then, the game and her chance would be gone. "He ..." She swallowed before she steeled herself to a degree. "He only hugged me a few times. It wasn't anything serious."

Pausing, the creature stood up straight and narrowed his eyes. "Then, why do I get the feeling that something else went on? What aren't you telling me, (f/n)?"

"Why does ..."

"So, there is something else?"

"What? That's not ..."

"Do you love him?" Instantly, she closed her mouth as she was caught off guard completely by the question. The creature stood silently and waited for an answer, though; a deadly aura was beginning to radiate off of him, and her heart pounded heavily as terror raced through her veins. "(F/n), you are my ..."

This time, she cut him off. "I'm your murderer." Her voice managed to sound fierce, but her eyes shook with absolute trepidation as his mood didn't lighten in the slightest. "I will kill you, and you may think that I'm your lover, but the feeling isn't mutual." She balled her hands into fists around the straps. "And, it never will be."

"You didn't answer the question." The creature walked forward a little bit, and she carefully went backwards and stepped around another tree. Unfortunately, that only caused her to back up into the back wall of someone's backyard. Thankfully, the creature stopped a couple of steps in front of her, but she knew that it would be almost impossible to maneuver around him now, which made it difficult not to panic.

"I ..." She didn't know how to answer, but she averted her eyes from him. Did she care for Nick? Well ... Yes, she did. He had after all accepted the truth and remained at the apartment with her for a bit; he had stayed. That meant so much to her, and his comforting touch had eased her heart from the nightmares of her daily life, but did she love him?

Nails stabbed into the wall, and she jumped a little. His left arm caged in her right side, and his nails remained threateningly by her head. He wouldn't kill her, but he could do much worse. The creature lined up his eyes with hers, and she pressed her back more against the wall. Hesitantly, she met his stare, and her stomach turned ... but not from dread.

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