The Zanier Hilarity

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Metal steps led downwards towards the asphalt parking lot. The doors remained open. Nails tapped against the plastic of an armrest. His feet rocked back and forth, and his eyes pinned themselves on her. A grin decorated his lips, but he didn't say a word. Once she was out, the game would start again, and she doubted that he would keep that green hoodie on for her to distinguish him by.

Mentally, she gulped and headed down. Her first foot met the asphalt, then her second. Just barely, she heard the seat shift, and she was off. Feet carried her at a brisk pace across the ground so that she still could create some distance but also not look like she was running from someone. She didn't even glance back to sight if he had left the bus yet. No, her objective was to get inside the park and lose him.

Her mind thought back to the map. The haunted house was too obvious to enter first. No, a ride more open to public view would be better. Maybe, she even could hide among the various stands and stalls. It was unlikely, but it was worth a shot. Despite his admittance to his sadistic nature, he wouldn't start murdering everyone at the park in plain sight. That would have law enforcement on their backs in no time if even one person escaped or made a quick phone call.

Stopping by one of the shop stalls, though, would be beneficial. She needed clothes that he never had seen before and a hat. Maybe, she even could locate a wig that looked real enough to actual hair. Then, she could change in a restroom when he wasn't looking. There were several problems with that approach, however. One, she would still have her distinguishable backpack. That would need to be changed too. Two, he couldn't see her buy any of those items, or it was over before she even wore her disguise.

No doubt, it probably would be easier just to lose him in the park and find some means of transportation far away from the place. A mental groan sounded in her head. It wasn't going to be easy. Nothing ever was with the creature, and her thoughts traveled back to when he had paused on the bus. What had he been about to tell her? Probably, it was something that would've weakened him or at least his appearance. He hated seeming weak in front of her; he wished for her always to be afraid of him and his capabilities despite his love for her.

Whatever those words were, though, she didn't know. It most likely had some connection to the game, but she'd have to ask him to get the correct answer. As previously indicated, however, he wasn't going to do that. She rubbed the bridge of her nose and adjusted her backpack some after that. Her ears caught onto soft footfalls, and that sent her pace to become quicker by a little bit.

When she reached the entrance, she held out her ticket to the man collecting them. He stamped a castle outline on the ticket before he handed it back, and she thanked him. Dread, though, soon entered her being. Security would want to check her bag. Lovely.

(F/n) stepped up to the security guard and placed her backpack on the table. She resisted the urge to look over one of her shoulders for the creature and zipped open the pockets. Each item she showed. Nothing was illegal to bring into the park, but it was crystal clear that the guard was questioning why she had a whole series of travel supplies in there. "Packing light for vacation?" the guard asked skeptically.

"Yeah," she responded, zipping the backpack up and slipping it on. "I just carry what I need around with me. Makes it easier." She gave the guard a polite smile and signaled to the active park to her right. "May I head in?" The guard gave a reluctant nod, and (f/n) thanked her before she entered Castle Lake.

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