The Steadier Crunch

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Each second seemed to last a minute as she waited for him to walk by. He would stop every few steps, but she couldn't see what he was doing, but it did sound like he was getting closer to her. It was hard to keep her heartbeat at a steady rate when it wished to pound like a drum. If it increased too much, though, he would hear her, and even with her disguise, she had a slim chance of making it by him.

When his steps stopped near to the tree she was hiding behind, she reached up quietly and placed her hands over her mouth and nose. She bit her bottom lip and tried to distract her mind and heart from the present situation. Another step almost caused her heart rate to pick up, and she bit her lip harder. Nearly, she chewed on it too much. Realizing her close mistake, she released her lip. Any harder and she would've broken the skin. With him that close, he would've been able to smell her blood. Then, her disguise truly would be worthless.

Not being able to help it, she shut her eyes and continued to pay attention to his movement. It sounded like he took another step towards the tree before he stopped completely. His left nails reached up and tapped the tree trunk. Each tap sounded like the drum roll to her punishment. He hummed in thought before he moved again.

Carefully, she looked to her right and saw his back. His left hand was back in the hoodie's one pocket, and he was heading for the street. Being cautious of the snow and possible crunching sound it could make, she lightly maneuvered around the tree before she paused and glanced to the creature. His back still was turned to her. Quickly and softly, she practically tip-toed to the next tree. (F/n) continued this pattern until she was a somewhat safe distance from him. Still if he turned around and spotted her, that distance would disappear quite quickly.

So, she remained careful of her every move. His back remained facing her, and he now was walking towards the apartment complex. Mentally, she cursed. She needed him to go towards the other direction, but if she made a sound, it wouldn't be long before he figured out that it was her. Soon, though, he stopped. The creature tilted to his right and left as if he was examining the area once more before he gave out an irritated sigh. Nearly, she gulped, but she covered her mouth in the process and began to head towards the grocery store again.

(F/n) remained close to the ground and continued to use the trees as cover, but she remained close to the street to a degree so that she could see where she was going. If she pulled out the flashlight in her backpack, she would give herself away since there was no way that the creature would ignore the sudden appearance of a flashlight. That was, though, if he faced her direction again, but he might hear the click of the switch too.

Eventually, though, the pine trees ended, but buildings took their place: two apartment buildings to be exact. Annoyingly, the area was gated off even if Faller's Grove was small. She could try and hop over the wall, but if one of the residents saw her, that would cause a problem that she didn't need, especially at the present moment.

Looking over her right shoulder, she noticed that the distance between the new apartment buildings and the complex she came from was a considerable ways away. The creature still was walking in the opposite direction of her, but she didn't want the creature to think that she came from the gated apartments. Otherwise, those inside might face a grisly fate later on.

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