The Luckier Timing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

Words stayed silent, but his lips were parted. Oliver didn't know how to reply. All he wanted was to get far away from the thing in front of him. Its very pale blue optics stared at him through the darkness, and he just could make out the thing's features due to the gate lights behind it. Those unnerving nails hung over its left knee, and he could imagine easily crimson coating them. The long arms of the thing only made it more horrifying. They could stretch out and rip him apart limb by limb.

A chill raced up his spine, and he back up slowly. The creature put his head straight and stood up again. His steps continued to remain slow as he walked over to the camera and picked it up. He seemed to pay no more attention to the boy at his feet. Shifting the camera between his hands, he giggled. "So many camera folk. You'd think they'd learn after awhile," he muttered to himself in glee. "And, they never seem to taste that good." Another giggle parted from him as Oliver backed up gradually so as not to alert the thing. "Then again, who would after my delectable little helper."

Little helper? Oliver wondered who the thing was talking about. Who would aid the monster before him? It brought a chill up his spine, and when the creature glanced back towards the cemetery, Oliver couldn't help but follow the thing's gaze; however, he couldn't see anyone or anything there besides the typical scenery. Maybe, someone was hiding behind one of the gravestones or trees. Perhaps, one of the members of the paranormal group was there to help. Mentally, he laughed. That was unlikely, and they'd probably try to snap pictures before running off to save their own skin. H*ll, he would do the same.

Looking back to the camera, the creature scrolled through the pictures and deleted the ones at the funeral home. A couple of tsks left him as he did so. Oliver, however, took that as his cue to get the f*ck out of there. The young teen pushed himself to his hands and bolted. A brow of the creature's quirked before he giggled and saw the teen run right past her. He hadn't even spared a glance her way. How amusing.

She jumped down and tackled the teen, who immediately tried to cry for help, but she silenced him by pressing his head into the snow. The woman, who was now twenty, reached into the teen's backpack and removed a durable-looking water bottle. In seconds, it impacted the boy's head, and he was out.

Giving a sigh of relief, she stood back up and pulled him up with her. "You got him okay, (f/n)?" the creature asked as he quirked another brow. She rolled her eyes and managed to drape his right arm over her shoulders before she started to head back towards the funeral home. The creature crossed his arms. "Fine, you can ignore me, but this wasn't my fault." He tossed the camera up before catching it. "The kid trespassed and got some pictures. I couldn't just let him run."

"I know that, but you could've knocked him out and brought him in," she argued back, receiving a giggle from him.

"But, I haven't been able to hunt anyone down for seven months." A fake pout met his lips, and she ignored him. He sighed and, easily, grabbed the teen from her. She was about to resist before he lifted his left index nail and pressed it to her lips, much to her anger. "I know that it's because of my deal with your parents and that I should be grateful I get such a ready supply of food. I am, but I still have my instinctual desire to hunt, and I miss playing with my victims."

(F/n) didn't look satisfied with that answer in the slightest. She moved his finger away and turned her back to him. "I thought that you weren't some animal." The woman started to walk away. "Stop using your instincts as an excuse. You already torment my family and me enough; another doesn't need to be dragged into this."

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