The Wilder Ticket

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Legs feeling weak, she grabbed the backseat closest to the aisle to stabilize herself. For the whole bus, he had been on it with her. None of the other passengers had noticed him. How had they been so oblivious to his presence? Then, there was the fact that he already had killed one of the teenagers. It had to have been back at the sandwich shop. Probably, he had dumped the body in one of the garbage cans or disposed of it elsewhere. The blood had to have been cleaned up too. He always was frighteningly excellent at picking up after himself.

She felt sick too. (F/n) gripped the seat tighter, her thumb jamming against the plastic and her fingers digging into the plastic. Besides the fact that another life had ended in not even a two-day time window, there was another stomach-turning one; he was right in front of her. There was no way to get around him fast enough, and the windows near to her would take too long to open and climb out of. It wasn't hard to imagine him grabbing her legs and ripping her back inside.

His grin continued to stare at her mockingly before he tilted his head back up and pushed himself off of the seat. "Don't look so nervous, (f/n). Our game of tag isn't over yet." He walked into the middle of the aisle, really blocking her way now. "Unless you want it to be."

Confused, her legs felt a little less wobbly. "What do you mean?" She furrowed her brows, hand not letting up on the seat.

"I mean that you can always end this by just letting me tag you." He shrugged before he sighed almost dreamily. "Imagine that. You actually wanting a child with me." His hands pressed against his chest where his heart was. "I might just have to sweep you off your feet and take you to that haunted house to get started." Her stomach curled into a ball, and she instinctively moved her legs closer together.

"And, why haven't you ended this?" She didn't know what he was playing at. Sure, she could forgo the game and just give into him, but that was far from what she desired. "You've had multiple chances." (F/n) pointed back behind her as if the diner was still there. "You could've ripped me out of that car and won. Right now, you simply could charge at me and win. So, what are you playing at?!" her voice came out in a near shout towards the end, frustration mixing in with her puzzlement.

"I'm playing with you." His voice came out softer, and it caught her off guard momentarily. He sounded like some wounded baby animal for a moment, but the amused grin forming on his lips pointed to him being far from that. "Or, you could say that I enjoy this too." The creature lifted up his left index finger and moved it back and forth as if he was telling her not to do something. "I've been cooped up in our house for so long; I wanted a vacation, and this deal made that arrangement all the better."

A shrug followed. "And, I've been able to increase my meal plan along the way." He sighed and leaned against the left seat some, crossing his arms over his chest. "I do want a child with you, (f/n)." His very pale blues locked on her (e/c)s, and she nearly stepped back. "But, I want to enjoy this while I can too." Several giggles left him. "You've been taking me to some interesting places already. It's like you're my tour guide on some grand expedition."

Part of her did understand that desire to travel and just take in new sites. A vacation was always nice once in awhile. She understood that, but this was no vacation for her; it was a chance to escape a fate that he very easily could implement for her. And, his version of a vacation meant killing people at a rate that was higher than what he reasonably could consume before she went to her next destination. It was like buying an expensive beverage and only drinking two sips of it before tossing it in the trash. He knew that too, yet he was grinning about it all and calling it "vacation." That pointed to the simple fact that he didn't care. Maybe, he felt guilty about not eating all of them or being able to save them for later, but he still killed them when he didn't have to.

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