14. Grawp

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NOW THAT DUMBLEDORE HAD LEFT HOGWARTS, Umbridge had become Headmistress and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was no longer the same. She'd gotten what she wanted and had now taken over the school. The Dumbledore's Army members received detention after the evening they were caught. Umbridge had forced them to write lines with her famous Black Quills and now Victoria's hand had another scar to add to her 'collection'.

Victoria was beyond mad at everything. She was mad that all their efforts had gone to waste, she was mad at Cho for ratting them out. She was mad at the Ministry for allowing Umbridge to gain all this power, and she was mad at herself for not doing more.

Harry was feeling it the most however. He felt guilty about causing his friends to get detention, he was beyond mad at Umbridge and the Ministry. He wasn't succeeding in his Occlumency lessons with Professor Snape and with Dumbledore gone, he felt even more alone than before. Victoria noticed the boy had become increasingly more distant than he used to be and as much as she wanted to ask if he was okay, she already knew he wasn't and didn't want to make matters worse.

The four friends had been dragged into the Forbidden Forest late this afternoon, by Hagrid, and he still hadn't explained why he was leading them there. It made Victoria nervous, she'd never been this deep into the forest before.

"Hagrid why can't you just tell us?" Harry asked, Hagrid didn't answer.

He eventually turned to face them as a bunch of very angry looking Centaurs came running through. "I've never seen the Centaurs so riled, and they're dangerous at the best of times." the giant said.

"The Ministry restricts their territory much more...they'll have a full uprising on their hands." He looked at them all very anxiously and Victoria swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Hagrid, what's going on?" she asked.

"I'm sorry to be so mysterious you guys...I wouldn't be bothering you at all, but with Dumbledore gone...I'll likely be getting the sack any day now." Hagrid's voice started to tremble. "And I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him."

The four teenagers backed up slowly as they saw the giant stand up. This one wasn't like Hagrid though, it was a large however-many-feet-tall giant.

"Grawpy. Down here, you great buffoon," the man said. Grawpy turned around and Victoria along with the other three ducked instantly as his large hands clapped together right above their heads.

The four of them rose, not taking their eyes off the giant. "Grawpy...I brought you some company." Hagrid said.

Grawpy smiled at them all and started running at them. The four ran away from him but stopped when the rope tugged on his waist.

Victoria glanced nervously towards Harry, who sent her a similar glance. Their eyes travelled down to their tightly gripped hands, Victoria's eyes widened and she quickly let go.

She was glad the forest was so dark because she was blushing...hard.

"I couldn't just leave him, because...because he's my brother."

"Blimey..." Ron breathed.

"Well, half brother really," Grawpy leaned forward and they backed away again. "He's completely harmless, just like I said. A little high-spirited, is all."

Grawpy reached out and suddenly his large hands wrapped around Victoria's waist and lifted her high into the air. She let out a scream and tried to wriggle out of his grip.

"Victoria!" Hermione yelled.

"Grawpy, that is not polite." Hagrid said calmly.

"Someone get me down!" the brunette yelled.

"We talked about this. You do not grab, do you?" Hagrid said and Ron charged at Grawp with a stick. It snapped in half and the giant kicked him away. As much as she appreciated Ron's efforts, they didn't help so she took matters into her own hands.

"Grawp." Victoria said firmly and the giant looked at her. "Put. Me. Down. Now." She narrowed her eyes at him and he carefully placed her back on the ground. He turned away from them and the other three looked at her worryingly.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine, just had to be firm you know." she said.

"I think you've got an admirer." Hermione said, half amused and half concerned.

Grawp began digging and throwing pieces of junk then turned to face them holding handle bars to a bike. He rang the small bell and handed them over to Victoria. She took them slowly and rang the bell too. Grawpy smiled at her and handed the bars back to him. He sat down and continued ringing the bell happily.

"He gets his own food and all." Hagrid said. "It's company he'll be needing when I'm gone."
Victoria and Hermione smiled to each other.

"You'll look after him won't you?" Hagrid asked and Harry nodded. "I'm the only family he's got."

"We'll look after him, Hagrid. Promise." Victoria said and the half-giant smiled.

The evening sunset had seemed to surround the castle and the four friends made their way back up into the castle for dinner. When dinner had finished, Victoria bid goodnight to her friends and made her way back to the Slytherin common room, muttering the password and heading to the girls' dormitory. Everyone was getting ready for bed so she did the same, wincing slightly at where Grawp had hold of her and put on her pyjamas. She hopped into bed and let sleep take over.


Short(er) chapter I know, next one will be back to the usual length. I enjoyed writing this one so much and I honestly don't even know why. I just thought it would be fun to have Grawp lift Victoria up instead of Hermione etc.

Anyways, hope you guys are enjoying this story, I'm having a lot of fun writing it hahaha. I'm doing my best not to copy the entire movie/s exactly, I want to keep the character's lines the same but also give Victoria a lot of input as well.

But yeah, please vote and comment as I love hearing from you and yeah :)))

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