35. The Death of Albus Dumbledore (pt. 1)

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"YOU SAW YOUR AUNT?" Dumbledore asked. Victoria nodded.

"Yes. She said that he, who I assume she was referring to You-Know-Who, is too strong, and too powerful. She said only the ones with the strongest will, the smartest wit, the most cunning mind and the bravest heart would be able to stop him. She said that they will be their greatest weapon, or something like that. I didn't understand anything until the second time I had the dream." She explained.

"What happened the second time?"

"She said 'destroy his soul and you destroy him' and then I saw five objects. A diary, a ring, a locket, a cup and a tiara."

Dumbledore's eyes widened slightly as she rattled off what she saw. Tori noticed his change in expression.

"Sir, do you know what those objects are?"

He hesitated, and then changed the subject. "What happened in the dream you had last night?"

"This one was different. I was on a beach and there was a cave or something like that in the distance. I was wearing the same locket and the same ring, but I didn't know why. I tried to take them off but when I touched the ring, I saw part of a memory."

"Who's memory?"

"Professor Slughorn's. He was talking to a boy about this thing called a Horcrux. I didn't see much, but I remember that he was wearing the same ring that I was. Then the memory disappeared and I felt a pain in my head and ran. The next thing I know, I woke up screaming. Usually my nightmare's don't feel so vivid, but this last one...it just felt so real."

"Victoria, what you saw in your dream wasn't just your imagination. There is a cave, and the ring you mentioned, it's been destroyed."

"What do you mean?"

Dumbledore pulled out two objects from his desk drawer and placed them in front of Victoria.

The diary, and the ring.

"You destroyed these?" She asked incredulously.

"Only the ring. Harry destroyed Tom Riddle's diary four years ago in the Chamber of Secrets when he saved Ginny Weasley's life. I knew back then they were filled with dark magic, I just didn't know how powerful until I destroyed the ring." He explained.

"So, these are Horcruxes? Or, were?"

"Yes. I believe there is another, hidden in the cave. I cannot destroy it alone, however and I've asked Harry to accompany me on the journey."

"I'll come too, I can help you destroy it."

Dumbledore shook his head. "No. I fear that if you enter Lord Voldemort's cave, it may effect your powers too much. I don't want to risk it. Harry and I will manage, as long as he does everything I ask."

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