4. The Locket.

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LATER THE NEXT DAY, the kids were once again sent back upstairs to their rooms because there was going to be another Order of the Phoenix meeting soon.

As much as she wanted to ask Sirius questions about her mother, Victoria knew now wasn't the right time nor place. She wanted to know what they were going to be discussing, but knew that it wouldn't be allowed either, so she followed her friends back upstairs. Victoria figured it had something to do with Harry or You-Know-Who, both were possible options.

They were also on edge today because Harry was arriving soon and his hearing was tomorrow, which had everyone beyond anxious. Nobody wanted Harry to be expelled, especially not Victoria and she was praying that the Ministry would understand why the boy had to use his magic outside of school.

They all gathered in Ron's room and sat on the beds across from each other.

"This year's going to be different isn't it?" Hermione asked nervously after a long silence.

"I'd say so. I wonder who'll be teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts this year." Victoria said and the others nodded in agreement.

"I wonder when Harry'll get here." said Ginny.

Victoria was glad Ginny had said exactly what she'd been thinking.

"Soon hopefully." Ron said.

"It's just outrageous! They simply can't expel him for defending himself!" Hermione grumbled and Victoria chuckled at her friend.

Hermione had always been so accepting and helpful, especially when Victoria became friends with the trio. At first none of them trusted Victoria because she was a Slytherin and related to Draco, but soon the trio became a quartet and Victoria loved her friends very much.

As the day went on, Victoria mostly kept to herself in her room, occasionally having a chat with Hermione or Ron, and even Fred and George; who mainly came in to show her some of their joke shop toys. They told her all about their plans for the joke shop they were going to open and she loved hearing them speak about it. Molly kept telling them off but she didn't mind, she found it amusing and liked that the boys were so passionate about their shop. Gemini was hooting and playing with her feathers happily in her cage which made Victoria smile.

She spotted the letter and locket that Narcissa had given her before she left Malfoy Manor and picked it up. The brunette hesitated before opening either, unsure if she wanted to go through anymore pain but knew if she didn't read it then she would never truly understand or be at peace with her parent's deaths.

Victoria examined the locket before opening it. It was gold and circular and had a small pattern of a tree on the outer. Inside was a small picture of her father, Ben and her mother Lorelei, on one side of the locket together, smiling and looking very much in love. On the other side was a picture of her parents and herself as a baby. Lorelei was holding Victoria in her arms while Ben was smiling down at both of them, looking at them as if they were his whole world - which they were.

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