3. Number Twelve Grimmauld Place

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AT NINE O'CLOCK THE NEXT MORNING, Victoria thanked Aberforth for letting her stay and met Dumbledore outside the Hogs Head Inn. He stood patiently waiting for her to approach; his silver beard shining in the sunlight, and wearing his usual long robes. His eyes were watching her intently through his half-moon spectacles.

"Morning Professor." She smiled.

"Good morning. Have a nice stay?"

The brunette shrugged. "I suppose so. Professor where is this place we are going?"

"You will find out shortly. Grab onto my arm please."

Victoria did as he said and they vanished. She was sucked into another very tight tube, which felt like Floo'ing but ten times worse. She felt sick and was ready to throw up as soon as they landed out the front of a large building.

"Sir, did we just Apparate?" She asked.

He chuckled. "Yes. The first time does usually make one nauseous."

Nauseous was an understatement.

"Where are we Professor?" Victoria asked, bemused.

"You'll see in a moment, please think of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place." He instructed and the brunette stared at the old man blankly.

Victoria did as he said and thought of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. When she opened her eyes, a completely new section of the building in front of her had appeared and she stared at it in shock. She walked up the small steps and stared at the door with the number '12' on it.

"What is this place?" The brunette asked.

Dumbledore walked up the steps and peered down at the girl. "This is the home your mother grew up in." He said softly.

At these words, Victoria's heart sank.

"M-my mother?"

He nodded. "But how did you know about what Narcissa told me? I didn't mention that in my letter." She asked, bewildered.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you found out and I suspected as much after I received your letter," he paused to look a the brunette who just stared at him with wide eyes. "I knew your mother yes, she was a very bright and talented witch. Such a tragedy what happened and I'm very sorry for your loss."

Victoria didn't say anything back because she knew there was nothing she could say. They entered the building and it revealed a long dark hallway with a door at the end of it. The walls were dirty, filled with tapestries that looked like they were centuries old and had been eaten by moths all over. The house was derelict but eerie in an odd sort of way.

Victoria both admired it and scrunched her nose at it. The door had been half shut and she could hear multiple voices.

"You must be quiet while walking the hallway," Dumbledore told Victoria, who looked at him cluelessly but nonetheless nodded.

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