7. Professor Umbitch

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THE FIRST DAY OF CLASSES was in full swing and the students were buzzing around excitedly as they moved to each of their classes.

It was time for the fifth years' first lesson of Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Umbridge and Victoria; for the first time in four years, was dreading this class. She knew it would not be like the previous years.

She entered the classroom and noticed the empty seat next to Draco where she usually sat, and avoided it. Instead she found a seat towards the back of the room and sat down. The rest of the students gathered in and started messing around. Parvati Patil had charmed a paper bird and it was flying around the room, the other kids were playing around with it also.

It suddenly erupted into flames on Parvati's desk and Victoria saw a figure in pink standing at the door.

"Good morning, children." Umbridge greeted, nobody greeted her in return.

"Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations," The woman pointed her wand at the blackboard and she walked down to the front of the classroom. "O-W-Ls. More commonly known as OWLs."

She turned to face them. "Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

The class was silent.

"Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know, that from now on you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic." Umbridge explained.

Victoria scoffed as a book landed on her desk. It's title; Dark Arts Defence, Basics for Beginners, made her not even bother opening the book.

"There's nothing in here about learning defensive spells." Hermione spoke up.

"Using spells?" The professor clarified, Hermione nodded.

"Well, I can't see why you would need to use spells in my classroom." She said.

"We're not going to use magic?" Ron asked.

"You'll be learning defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way."

"What use is that? If we're attacked, it won't be risk-free." Harry said and Professor Umbridge scrunched her face in annoyance. Clearly she didn't like Harry and it was extremely obvious.

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class." Umbridge said loudly.

"It is in the view of the Ministry, that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you your examinations. Which after all, is what school is all about." She replied, forming a tight smile.

"And how's that supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry's voice rose in frustration.

"There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?"

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