15. Premonition Number Two

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THE TIME FOR THE OWL's HAD ARRIVED and every single fifth year student was stressed to the max. None as much as Hermione (not that she needed to study), but everyone was still on edge. Umbridge was still making hell at Hogwarts and Victoria hated every minute of her presence. She was too focused on studying for the OWL's however to be worried about Umbitch. The Slytherin girl had been spending most of her time with her Gryffindor pals, helping each other study and although it made her brain hurt; she enjoyed the company of her best friends.

Victoria also hadn't had any premonitions or nightmares since Mr Weasley's attack and she was very grateful. There was too much going on right now for her to be worried about someone who's about to die.

The night before the first of their OWL's took place was the most stressful. Victoria sat with her friends in the Gryffindor common room and none of them spoke much; they were all too busy with their last minute revision. Hermione and Victoria were re-reading Achievements in Charming and her brain was fried.

Victoria, woke up the next morning and found herself on the floor in front of the fireplace. She scanned the room and chuckled at her friends who were still fast asleep.

Ron was drooling over a copy of The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5; Hermione was laying over a pile of books, not drooling though like Ron was and Harry was sprawled out on the couch, a book on Transfiguration lay open across his chest. Victoria sat up and gathered her books, shoving them into her bag along with her ink and quill. She decided she'd use the quill Dumbledore had given her only when she was studying.

Hermione woke up not long after and Victoria waved goodbye as she left the Gryffindor common room. She headed back down to the dungeons and mumbled the password to her own common room. She changed into a fresh uniform and went back up to the Great Hall for breakfast.

When she got there, Hermione, Harry and Ron were already eating.

"Morning sleepyheads," the brunette said as she approached their table.

"Morning," Hermione greeted cheerfully.

"It's too early to be this happy Hermione," Ron grumbled, yawning and Victoria laughed. She then poured water into her goblet and dug into the bowl of cereal in front of her.

Today was going to be a long day.


The Great Hall was in complete silence as the fifth year's were undergoing their examination. The only sounds that could be heard was the writing of quills against parchment as each student scribbled their answers down, and the quiet sighs and groans of frustrated teenagers.

Dolores Umbridge stood at the front of the Great Hall, high and mighty as she watched the fifteen year old students rack their brains, trying to remember everything they'd studied for.

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